Meeting with Mr. T. Venkatraju, Chief Engineer, BWSSB

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26 Nov 2011 10:00


Mr. T Venkata Raju. Chief Engineer BWSSB,  was contacted to day. He has agreed for a Saturday meeting at BWSSB Office at Indira Nager II stage, Bangalore.

The Tentative programme is

Venue : BWSSB Office at Water tank behind Indiranagar Club

Date  : 26 Nov 2011

Time : 10:00 AM

Agenda : 1. Discussions on current Sewage Water Management.

                  2. Scope for improvement.

                  3. Presentation of praja website discussions / Pictures 

Programme to be confirmed by 15 Nov 2011


Hi Srinidhi

215 users have liked.

I have mailed the tentative event about the proposed  meeting with BWSSB chief engineer. Was curious to know about your availability. Call me whenever free. would like to discuss some relevent issues to be dicussed with the BWSSB official.

I will be confirming the meeting on tuesday the 15th


I will be there..

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However any week day after 11 also fine for it is on my way to work..

Appointment Register of Mr. T

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Appointment Register of Mr. T Venkata Raju has been updated by his secretary.

Day       :- Saturday

Date     :- 26 Nov 2011

Time     :- 10AM

Place    :- BWSSB Office at HAL II Stage adjascent to Indira Nagar Club

Contac t:- 4126-9814


Will join

196 users have liked.

It might be an idea to list specific questions here and invite contributions from interested from folks with questions, but not attending.

I should also add - good job PSA sir.  We have all been trying to get some kind of interaction with BWSSB for some time. I think Manjari and co did go meet the PRO for the water index project, but that project is on pause now.

Specific Questions

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I am sure BWSSB participates at the annual CiSTUP meetings. Can we find anything relevant to this Saturday meeting, to show on the praja site? I am planning to show some of our relevant discussions and photographs on Bellandur Lake. Do we have a Laptop for this purpose? I am trying to obtain one. Alternatively I prefer to show it at my place which is very near to the Indiranagar club BWSSB office.

I plan to take the BWSSB officer to a location where the sewage water is diverted on to a storm water drain in our locality. A big storm water drain on the 80ft road, in front of Indiranagar BSNL office, with copious flow of sewage water, is another spot of interest.

I am in touch with ward 58 corporater Vijay Kumar who is likely to join our deliberations.

Specific questions coming to my mind:-

1.       What are the compulsions for sewage water finding its way in to the storm water drains as a regular feature, year after year?

2.       Is there any plan for making the Storm Water Drains of Bangalore Sewage water free in future?

3.       If so can we share the same briefly?

4.       What is the order of costs for Maintenance of the Strom Water drains? 

5.       What is the annual budget allocation for the same?

6.       Do they have any scientific plan and or budget allocation to make the Storm water drains sewage water free?

7.       Brain storming to add more to this list?

Underground Sanitary Pipes in LIC Colony Jeevan BIma Nagar

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Thanks for organizing this event.  We will surely participate and contribute to the success of the event.  Currently in 2 mains of our colony there is severe choking up of  underground sewer pits and pipes causing unbearable smell in the houses and making living very difficult.

We have informed the Chariman, AEE,EE and JE through mails, letters and over phone to fix the problems asap.  We have also got an email reply from the Chairman that the pipes will be changed and he had asked us to contact the local JE.  Our repeated requests to the JE and the AEE, EE have failed to get a proper and actionable response.

We also hear that a proposal has also been given by the contracter Mr.Perumal to the BWSSB for changing the sewer lines fully which is not being approved.  Also the contracter complaints to us that he has Rs45 Lacs due from the BWSSB (his claim is not verifciable by us and hence we are not responsible for that claim) and he will do the work only if he gets his dues back from the BWSSB and if the proposal is approved.

Meanwhile we the public are suffering because of the inaction on part of the BWSSB.  We would like to put our case with the Chief Engineer and impress upon him to visit our locality or send the EE,AEE,JE to immediately inspect and start the work of replacing the sewer pipes and rebuilding the pits.


Residents Forum, LIC Colony, Jeevan Bima Nagar, Bengaluru - 560075
Twitter Handle:  @residents_forum

M.S. Anand, President
Mobile: 9480204328

Balajee Vaidhyanathan, Secretary
Mobile: 9341057314


Residents Forum, LIC Colony, Jeevan Bima Nagar, Bengaluru - 560075

@ residents forum

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I hear you looking at what has been posted above.  However, please let me make an observatoion and hopefully it is taken in the right sense.  The agenda for this meeting has been fixed by PSA sir who arranged this meeting.

1. Discussions on current Sewage Water Management.

2. Scope for improvement.

3. Presentation of praja website discussions / Pictures 

I personally would like this meeting to be very focussed on this more general agenda than get into specifics of a particular problem facing a particular locality.  I have issues myself that I am going to refrain from bringing up in this meeting.  That being said, you obviously should raise your specific problem within the BWSSB and the chief engineer is a good person to ask.  But this meeting should remain a method for PRAJA to find a way to work with BWSSB, specifically with regards to the Bellandur lake project that PSA sir is leading. If you choose to attend this meeting and then towards the end of the meeting bring up your issue with Mr. Venkatraju, I have no problem with that.

The reason is more from the point of view of credibility of a Praja project.  We get a meeting with a specific agenda and generally post it online so that interested people can join.  But if the agenda changes on the meeting day, it is very possible we will not get a meeting in the future.

I hope my perspective is clear and I really admire the effort you have put in and understand your desire to get your problem resolved.

Meting did not take place

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The Meting did not take place, as Mr. T Venkatraju was away to attend some other ward urgent problem. However, Mr. T Venkatraju talked to me over the phone. Realizing what the issue was, he has now agreed to meet up with the Bellandur project team at Cauvery Bhavan in near future. I will be setting up a fresh event shortly.

We had a nice chat with Mr. G Prabahakar, A.E.E. Indiranagar BWSSB on the Bellandur Lake pollution issue. He shared with us the havoc played by under ground cable laying operations etc. and how it interferes with Sanitary piping etc. He felt that there is a need to regulate what goes below the road surface. In short there is a need to have a strong Road Standards. By the way DULT has made a foot path standard which is not visible in their site I was told. I enquired about internet connection at the Indiranagar BWSSB office. They told us that it is too slow! Hence we could not show them the relevant project blogs on “” web site. [1]

By the way Mr. P. Ramamurthy the chairman BWSSB admits that 40% sewerage flows in Storm Water drains.

A real clash of agencies over Bellandur lake survival [2]