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JUSCO se logon ko Gussa Kyon aata hai?

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so many drinking water woes with the Monsoon in full swing  and people having empty taps now when there is more water, talk about mess-ups again

deadlines missed, monies stopped does it sound any different than before? Yes it does! 

Incapacity and incompetency of the pumped up private sector in this case and also of the bureaucrats who showed  them the way. But you can't take an intelligent citizenry in Mysore for a ride and that is what JNNURM , PPPs and the private sector tried to do in Mysore even with 40,000 public having signed against giving the project to JUSCO.

and now the reports elsewhere (star of mysore) is that it will cost 25 % more = 50 crs in the IInd year itself with noone having got any 24 X7 supply

thereby hangs a tale of last mile service delivery?


 Water distribution adds to JUSCO's troubles

MYSORE: Problems for JUSCO has compounded. Facing flak of the corproators for its inefficient handling of water distribution in the city, the Tata enterprise that is implementing the Rs 198 crore water distribution network remodelling project has been told that it is not doing its job efficiently by the Mysore City Corporation. 

The civic body, which is nodal agency for the implementation of JNNURM projects, has clearly told JUSCO that it is not satisfied with its work and has stopped payment of bills. It has also overshot its committed deadline to supply water 24X7 to some of the areas to start with. "I've told the JUSCO MD when he was here sometime back that their activities are not up to the mark," corporation commissioner K S Raykar on Tuesday explained to angry corporators who assailed the MCC for its handling of the water services. 

Ironic as it is, the civic body spent over two hours discussing lax water supply when monsoon is peaking. What is worse is that the city is getting the quantity of water it requires but the taps are going dry in many areas after a couple of hours, which dominated the proceedings at the council meeting. 

Members cutting across party lines complained against JUSCO seeking remedial actions from mayor Sandesh Swamy. He has now set a one-month deadline to study and address the water woes. "In case of failure, action will be imminent," he stated. 

When complaints flowed at the house, Raykar was sought to explain. "There are complaints against JUSCO and we have discussed it with them. Their operations and maintenance is not to the expectations. I've conveyed this in no uncertain terms in a letter to the JUSCO. This was discussed when its MD was here too. They were required to provide water 24X7 as per the agreement from April but they have overshot it. The MCC has stopped payment of bills for such lapses," he stated. 




idontspam's picture


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with 40,000 public having signed against it

Please enlighten us on the following before you can expect to have a fact based discussion on this as most people will not know the following

1. What is the total available water at source stations in MLD before and after the private party started O&M, over comparable YoY period? Official figures please.

2. How many hours a day + total MLD supply of water do the citizens get over how much they were recieving before private O&M? Official figures please.

3. How many meters(numbers) have been installed for existing connections and how much in rupee terms the collection has improved since the private operator took over O&M?Official numbers please.

Public Agenda's picture

pl answer

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 @ IDS  since you are so fact based

Mr R Purohit or the website of JUSCO for Mysore could answer some of these

But I do feel that this is about last mile service by JUSCO

idontspam's picture

Allegations & supporting data

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 Mr R Purohit or the website of JUSCO for Mysore could answer some of these

Since you dont have access to any numbers to support your allegations, I can gather they are the ones making these accusations then?

Public Agenda's picture

media reports on JUSCO and 24 X 7 services

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These are media reports in Star of Mysore and Times of India on 2 days this week

I am not the reporter so am not making allegations the verification is left only to those who feel the people have a voice.


Public Agenda's picture

Not surprising

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 SO many of the concerned public who welcomed JUSCO last year 

what do they say about the missed deadlines here 

next one is october which they might keep up, even if they have failed many of their own already


silkboard's picture

Easy, penalize or fire them!

184 users have liked.

Its simple. Not meeting deadlines? Check what SLA they signed up for. If not meeting, penalize them as per the contract, or fire them!

Nobody is married to JUSCO here. We are only married to the idea of outsourcing as a way to enable you and me (via our companies) to help government in providing us better services, thats all.

To go back to JUSCO deadline. if you find that the contract with JUSCO doesn't include penalties for not meeting SLAs or deadlines, force MCC/MUDA to renegotiate the contract. Everybody will be with you on that. Because such things were not even possible on the previous in-sourced arrangement.

But have you read the contract? Aware of penalty clasues? Gave your input to the contract negotiating team at MCC/MUDA at the time? Probably not. But its not late even now. Go do it for us please. Squeeze JUSCO, and get us better services.

silkboard's picture

How about empty taps in Bangalore?

179 users have liked.

Why no such anger for BWSSB? No water in most taps for a week here, and not one war cry from you or any one from the anti-JUSCO clan?

Don't worry, I have read the contract Bangaore have with BWSSB, because there is none! Are there any penalties for BWSSB for failing to meet its SLA (which is water on alternate days)? Oh O, forget the penalties sir, there is no SLA in the first place with its own consumers :) Wonder whether we are consumers, or beggars (for water) in this progressive city.

Public Agenda's picture

apparently yes

196 users have liked.

OK so lets see  what else is not happening last mile here

We ran out of good quality SAND some years back, which led to sand mining and sand washing and bad quality like maybe in the Shantiniketan case

We ran out of jelly and chhapadi kallu so now all the old chappadi kallus are being converted to jelly kallu for foundations cement concrete etc etcetra

road surface is increasing for the world class city we now live in so in this apparently world class city but with uncontrolled water extraction and consumption is it a surprise we ran out of water, so the richest top quintile in Far east Bangalore face the same problem which the core area urban poor and slum dwellers faced for the longest time, wow what an equaliser.......

the Minsiter saying that no more water can be given is a statement of remarkable Courage but borewells are being sunk instead.....and only in the wards where there are BJP{ corporators apparently

What will change even if we get the next few 100 MLDs from Cauvery in end 2011

welcome to the dying city concrete above and below us and all around us

murali772's picture

abandoning city?

178 users have liked.

the Minsiter saying that no more water can be given

All along, you have been clamouring for rule by elected representatives only, and refusing to even recognise (forget engage with) advisers duly appointed by the Chief Minister. So, now that you have them, why are you condemning them also?

welcome to the dying city

So, are you suggesting abandoning the city? May be, you should give the lead.


Muralidhar Rao
silkboard's picture

problem talk

184 users have liked.

Public Agenda - good analysis on how we are running dry.

Very good talk of the problem. So what next? Where else to get the other 100 MLD from? And how to make sure that the 200 MLD (100 from cauvery, 100 from conservation recycling etc) will be distributed fair and even.

Ideas please, not ideology.

Public Agenda's picture

share the growth model

188 users have liked.

So then give an idea whether you share this grwoth and bust model or limt the role of stakeholders who will pick up and leave when this city goes bust and hawk their Growth model elsewhere

 is it not possible to go al the way the Arabian sea near mangalore and then lets set up a water desal plant (maybe in the 75000 acre SEZ) like the two in Chennai and pipe the water back (after laying another line) like the petro and oil line

and then lets do even more and go all the way to teh arctic and get some ice floes which are melting anyway

and when they find out that there are not only water crystals but also water on Mars lets get some to the IT silicon city

dead or dying lets kill the rest of the solar system why only Mars while we are at it


idontspam's picture

Population growth model

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 this grwoth and bust model

What growth model? Population needs water wherever they are. Its not like the same set of people started drinking more water. There are either more people or less water. The net water requirement for a given set is not changing only the locations are. The only growth model that needs changing is stop having kids by the dozen. I will support your campaign for a 'reduce population' campaign.

silkboard's picture

I am really lost now

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Was that sarcastic? Not sure. Why do you and some others get upset when talking solutions? There are n reasons to derail solution talk, let me list some

  • I am never consulted
  • nobody will anyway not do anything with the solutions,
  • who are you to discuss these thigns with?
  • slum next to my house would anyway be ignored,
  • Katta will only ask whats in it for me,
  • it will not be implemented the way it should be,
  • I don't think Internet is the right place to disucss solutions to basic issues
  • etc etc etc.

But please, share your ideas on the solutions, or what needs to be done. Just for once, try to de-clutter and de-mix from those n other things and talk proposals, not just oppo-sals..

Educate others, share the wealth of knowledge you carry. I don't know all the solutions to shortage, that is the only reason I am pleading you here!

And yeah, I am Pranav, live in Whitefield, male, married. Go by silkboard just for fun. How about yourself?

Public Agenda's picture

@ IDS Oh our Ideal world. Whos messing up?

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In a Utopia no resource will ever run out

But in the growth Model there are huge number of extra last mile resources exhausting a whole lot of others. If JLL, Cushman and Wakefield, and the Falcon counting only a few talk about the "sustainable" growth of the RE sector does it mean 7,8.9 or 10 % at 200-300% profit. am sure you culd see that growth model

Does luxury housing not lie empty overstocked during the entire recession and now new Villa projects of Rs 40 crs are being marketed... near whitelifed

Do enternatinment / recreation/ multiplex and retail have a growth model ? a buisness model and a buisness plan? Do mobile cos have one? and if this game is played out in a city does that not affect growth with a resource premium

obviously a market does not deicde since the biggest market shortage and backlog is in EWS / LIG housing viz., 99% of 26 million (LAST MILE) houses in the  country do you think the backlog is due to the lack of an appropriate growth model

idontspam's picture

Ideology & water

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 Does luxury housing not lie empty overstocked during the entire recession and now new Villa projects of Rs 40 crs are being marketed... near whitelifed

...and because those flats are lying empty we are not getting water? Wow.. what logic!!!

Public Agenda's picture

do a class again ?

181 users have liked.

while explaing the growth model and last mile resource consumption mentioned overstocking of luxury housing which requires huge amount of water not only for the huge need of concrete but also the pressure washing of marble, granite etc etc millions of liters from our common resouce which is a basic need for people to keep alive

even a space

is keeping such a reource intensive product like luxury housing unsold for years (while 99% of the need is for cheap yet quality housing) even when there is a limited Ground water availability OK?

maybe we need to do a class for educated, english literate, about the responsibilty of this growth model and its share in the boom and bust of great cities

All this is also creating a certain kind of scarcity COMMON SENSE

and a certain kind of city IVORY TOWERS like landmark or shantiniketan OR Villas for the rich or some estates product while the unequal urban poor are being ousetd by the very same growth model and made homeless again.

idontspam's picture

More housing, less agriculture

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overstocking of luxury housing which requires huge amount of water not only for the huge need of concrete but also the pressure washing of marble, granite etc etc

So you recommend we move to caves because it conserves water? Nice going. By the same logic since we are doing less agriculture shouldnt we have more water?

Do you know how many liters of drinking water does a cheap housing need vs a costly housing need? Can you share those figures? 

a buisness model and a buisness plan? Do mobile cos have one? 

So mobile companies are reason for being able to source more water?

Public Agenda's picture

@IDS & @Murali772 You Get it now ??? YAAAY!

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in prehistory when there was no concrete there was a roof over the head

BUT NO PIPED water and so the GRAND EQUATION is that those RE sector ppl who overbuilt and overstocked and kept unsold will now NOT GET AN NOC

so no piped water for a year and half from BWSSB thats almost equal to the caves a roof over the head and no piped water

hopefully cool the moulding grwoth model too

downside is the ppl laughing all the way to the ultimate bankruptcy (running out of good ground water) are the borewell owners

so NOW was that SO DIFFICULT?

idontspam's picture


172 users have liked.

 so NOW was that SO DIFFICULT?

Absolutely not, I wish you good luck in moving all of Bangalore to caves. Along the way we can give up electricity, buy more donkeys, move to barter system... may be start growing fins and move back to water. 

silkboard's picture

alright signing off

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Yet another promising discussion lost to useless ideology talk. PAgenda sir - knowledge and promis you hold, I am still hopeful will show up for something productive, which in my books is talking data and solutions on the specific issues.

EWS, rich poor, market, welfare etc are absolutely meaningless debates to me. Thats like breathing air, we all know its there, but doesn't fill stomach when I am hungry. Really tired of those, whether you do it, or Murali/IDS does it.


murali772's picture

here's a lead

175 users have liked.

May be this will help figure out where all the water goes, of course, in addition to the over-stocked luxury housing

Muralidhar Rao
Public Agenda's picture

wow thats a new ism

171 users have liked.

shd we put a new ideology on wikipedia. it might help if other than IDS ppl would also join in in th 21st century, but the rider is that preshistory did not have isms only they also had no piped water supply


Naveen's picture

Weird & Off-Track

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Been going thro this thread weaving it's way all around the world & getting nowhere.

PA Sir - would appreciate you stick to where you started - that you supposed people had a complaint against JUSCO & the alleged unsatisfactory water situation created.

Instead, we have gone round & around & ended up no place in the middle of nowhere !

E.R. Ramachandran's picture

unending debate leading to nowhere.....

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Why is this 'dogfight' going on and on? What started as a promising debate by all concerned has strayed into 'tu tu mein mein....'.Please, hold your horses gentlemen! comment guidelines

Posting Guidelines apply for comments as well. No foul language, hate mongering or personal attacks. If criticizing third person or an authority, you must be fact based, as constructive as possible, and use gentle words. Avoid going off-topic no matter how nice your comment is. Moderators reserve the right to either edit or simply delete comments that don't meet these guidelines. If you are nice enough to realize you violated the guidelines, please save Moderators some time by editing and fixing yourself. Thanks!

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