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A factual account of violence in Mysore city, July 2009

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Here is a summary of the events that occurred, it almost catches all the important aspects and, its official. There is always a risk that somebody may pick out of context and write a page on it, but, then, let the people know the facts. Let it be discussed, so that valuable lessons may be drawn from that.

July, 2nd: Thursday

  1. Around 6.30am in the morning, the Udyagiri police station (located in the North-east of Mysore city, which has predominant Muslim population) received information that a carcass of a pig was found within the compound wall of an Arabic school, under construction. (The construction of this Arabic school was embroiled in a controversy, as a local temple committee objected to that, and  the construction was earlier stayed by the Municipal corporation)
  2. Immediately the local police inspector rushed to the spot, and started the procedure of booking an FIR and also tried to remove the carcass from the place, so that it won’t attract the crowd. In sometime, the local MLA, Shri. Tanveer Sait and the Ex-Mayor of the city, Shri. Ayub Khan rushed to the spot and tried to pacify the growing crowd and assist the Police in removing the carcass.
  3. But the Muslim youth present there, belonging to one organization called Popular Front of India (PFI), obstructed the police who tried to remove the carcass, and demanded the presence of media. They also incited other youths to obstruct the Police to remove the carcass. The attempts made by the MLA and the Ex-Mayor in removing the carcass also went in vain.
  4. By that time, the jurisdictional ACP, followed by the senior police officer,  DCP (Law& order), rushed to the spot and tried to convince the Muslim youth of the immediate necessity in removing the carcass, so that, rumors can be controlled and things don’t go out of control, as only 2 months back there was communal violence in same area.
  5. The situation at that time did not warrant use of force, to remove the carcass, as it was expected that the local leaders from the community/locality would be able to convince the agitated youth.
  6. Meanwhile, by 8.30am, the Police Commissioner arrived at the spot and assured the crowd, which has swelled to around 500 now, that immediate FIR will be filed and the police will do everything to nab the culprit. He appealed to the youths to disperse peacefully, and allow the carcass to be removed.
  7. The youths did not agree. At this juncture, to divert the attention of the swelling crowd, Police Commissioner asked the agitating crowd to come over to Udyagiri PS with their complaint, assuring them to receive the same personally and take immediate action against the culprits, to which they agreed. 
  8. Accordingly, Police Commissioner, after instructing the DCP, to get the carcass removed immediately, proceeded to Udyagiri PS. However the crowd changed their mind, and did not go to the Police station. But, still, by 10am, the police somehow managed to get the carcass out and sent it for postmortem.
  9. The news of carcass at the Arabic School spread like wildfire and youths of the minority community had started gathering in and all around the area in almost every street, as the locality is predominated by the minorities. The use of cell phone and sms ensured the rumours spreading fast.
  10. By then, the Deputy Commissioner, Mysore, (Collector) joined the Police Commissioner and both started moving together and appealing to the mobs at all places to disperse. As the mobs were getting armed with weapons and getting violent, the Police commissioner immediately invoked section 144 of CrPC, and ordered that that there shall be no gathering of more than 5 persons.
  11. Simultaneously, The DC and the Police commissioner also talked to all the Muslim leaders and appealed to them to talk to their youths and control them. They talked to the MLA, Ex-Mayor and even to the youth leader, one Shri. Kalim of the PFI. They informed them that unless the mobs disperse, the police will have no other option but to use force and it will lead to injury to people.
  12. Though a mob led by Mr. Kalim of PFI, wanted to take a peace rally, they were desisted by the DC, as the rally of one community itself may go out of control in such situations. Soon information was received thru the wireless that at different places the mobs have started pelting stones at the police, shops etc and are putting fire on the vehicles. Even one ACP and DCP were injured in the stone pelting. The Police jeep of the ACP was put on fire, and burnt completely. The service revolver of an Police officer was snatched.
  13. Hence, armed police were requisitioned and authorized to use minimum force, to control the crowd. The Police used both tear gas and lati charge to disperse the crowd, which was getting uncontrollable. The surging of the crowd and brandishing of weapons (swords, sharp weapons, iron rods, long sticks) have been captured by the media who were present.
  14. As the area is predominated by Muslim population of more than 1 lakh, the crowds gathered very easily, in every street. As the locality has innumerable lanes and by-lanes, it was becoming very difficult to control the mob. Mob dispersed in one street easily resurfaced in another. Both the DC and the Police commissioner had tough time in ensuring that the violence doesn’t spread to the other parts of the city, having population of around 12 lakhs.
  15. Additional police forces were requisitioned to take control of around 120 streets. Meanwhile, report was received that 2 men were stabbed (Tirupathi and Mubarak). They were rushed to the hospital where they were declared brought dead. Later, around 1pm, the local MLA called the DC over the phone and informed that a boy of age 13 (Junaid) was killed in police firing.
  16. But, when verified it was found that the Police had fired only, in the air, to scare the mob and it couldn’t have killed anybody. By that time, the body of the boy was rushed to the hospital. The Police commissioner and Deputy Commissioner consoled the parents. By that time, additional forces came and took positions and the situation was brought under control.
  17. Both the DC and the Police commissioner visited the mortuary and inspected all the three bodies. The body of the boy (Junaid Pasha) showed a small opening in the chest and another at the back, which appeared to be caused by a bullet (entry and exit wound), leading everybody to think that it was caused due to Police firing.
  18. But, at the post mortem table, the doctor cleaned the wound, and disclosed that the injury was not caused by bullet, but by a sharp long weapon, piercing the chest, and coming out. Still, ensuring transparency, the administration allowed one doctor recommended by the leaders of the minority community to inspect the body. They also arranged for an x-ray to see if any metal residue is inside (in bullet injury normally metal residues are found) and also took the decision to get the postmortem done by a committee of doctors headed by the HOD of Forensic Medicine. (Normally Postmortem is done by a single doctor)
  19. The district administration also invited the media to see the body and interact with the doctors there. The experts from the Forensic lab from B’lore were summoned to give their opinion. They came at midnight, examined the body before everybody, and made it clear to everybody that the injury was caused by a sharp weapon, like a pointed steel rod, which was thrust inside making a hole in the front and coming out in the back, and not a bullet injury.
  20. Meanwhile, the Police Commissioner and the DC went to all the hospitals where there were other injured patients. The DC talked to the District in charge Minister over the phone, and the Minister immediately announced 1 lakh relief to family of the deceased and also declared that all the expenditure regarding the injured will be borne by the Government. All the injured were shifted to the best hospitals in the city like Apollo, Vikram etc, and every patient was looked after and taken care by the administration by attaching one official 24hrs with each patient.
  21. Prohibitory orders were imposed in four police station limits viz., Udyagiri, NR Mohalla, Mandi and Lashkar from 2.7.2009 to midnight of 5.7.09 by the Police Commissioner. Evening the district administration immediately called for a ‘Peace meeting’ of both the communities and appealed for peace. It was attended by important leaders of both the communities. They also agreed that the bodies of the three deceased have to be buried the next day without giving chance for any gathering and frenzy, as it happened to be a Friday. The night withered off with an eerie calmness.

 July 3rd: Friday:

  1. Early morning, the postmortem of the 3 bodies was conducted. The biggest challenge before the district administration was to intern the bodies without them being used to create gathering and law & order problem. As decided, the bodies of the deceased were not allowed to be taken to their homes in the city. The body of Tirupathi was sent out of the city to his native place in Vellore, Tamil Nadu, and not to his local residence in Mysore.
  2. The bodies of the other 2 deceased (minority community), were taken in the official vehicle straight to the Muslim burial ground. All the leaders of Muslim community co-operated with the District administration in this regard. At the Burial ground the Police commissioner took care of the security and the Deputy Commissioner participated in the funeral.
  3. As it was Friday, the city Police took extra care in ensuring peaceful prayers. That evening the Police also formed separate teams for investigation of the crimes and also got additional reinforcements from B’lore. That evening the Leader of the Opposition and the President of the Congress Party intended to visit the violence hit area, but they were not permitted by the administration as prohibitory orders u/s.144 was in force.
  4. At around 4.30 pm, a BJP leader, Mr. Giridhar and his friend Mr. Wajid were brutally attacked by armed assailants. Both were immediately rushed to the Hospital, and given the best possible treatment. Thanks to the efforts of all, especially the doctors of Apollo Hospital, Giridhar, in spite of being grievously injured survived.
  5. As the attack was made using deadly weapons, the Police decided to raid those streets in that locality, where there was information regarding storage of deadly weapons. The raids started at midnight and it was done at all localities, irrespective of whichever community was living there. Weapons were seized and men were arrested that night. They were produced before the Magistrate and shifted to the prisons in Bellary for Judicial custody, as the Mysore prison was full.
  6. Prohibitory orders u/s. 144 Cr.PC restricting total movement (curfew) during night i.e. from 9.00 pm to 6.00 am was promulgated by the Police Commissioner from 3.7.09 to 8.7.09 in Udyagiri PS limits. The situation was fully under control.

July 4th (Saturday)

  1. Next day, protesting against the assault on Sri Giridhar, The Hindu Jagarana Vedike and Sri Rama Sene called for observance of City Bundh. The district administration talked to the leaders like, Sri Ramadas, Parliamentary Secretary to the Hon’ble CM, to appeal to the leaders to desist from Bundh. But it went in vain. Hence, elaborate bandobust arrangements were made by the Police Commissioner and the Bundh was by and large peaceful except for stray incidents. But the Bundh did hinder the return of normalcy in the city.
  2. The Home Minister made a visit to the city, and met the injured in the Hospital. He also desisted from visiting the violence hit areas. He left after meeting the injured in various Hospitals.
  3. Meanwhile, the investigations pointed fingers at the members of an organization called Popular Front of India (PFI), who obstructed the police on the morning of 2nd July, and thereby knowingly were the reason for the eruption of violence.
  4. Hence the DC talked to the leader of the organization, and asked him and his team members to surrender and co-operate with the Police. Though the leader, Mr. Kalim responded by saying that he will be ready for custody if it helps the administration, he was neither available at his residence nor surrendered to the Police for next 3 days, till he was arrested by the Police.

5th July to 8th July: (Sunday to Wednesday)

  1. The days went off peacefully. However to ensure total peace, the Police Commissioner extended prohibitory orders u/s.144 Cr.PC till the midnight of 13.7.2009 in the 4 PS limits on 5.7.2009.On 6th evening the PFI leaders, who were named in the FIR, were arrested, after they were allowed to address a media conference. Interestingly, button knife, catapult with 18 marbles etc were recovered from them before the full view of the media.
  2. Later on 7th July, evening the office of the PFI was searched, in front of the independent witnesses. Though the police had the authority to break open the door and search, still the police waited for the keys to be brought and searched it following every procedure.
  3. The District In charge Minster arrived from the official trip from the USA on 8th July, and immediately visited the city. She visited the injured at various hospitals. Normalcy appeared to have returned to the city.

9th July (Thursday)

  1. Both the DC and the Police commissioner went to attend the ‘Mysore Dasara’ meeting at B’lore, as Dasara was coming closer. Taking advantage of the fact, and may be to ensure the issue is raised in the assembly, the members of PFI from all over the state, and even from outside the state, descended on the city and went on a protest at   Fountain circle, where 5 roads meet, at 12.30pm.
  2. The local Police informed them that prohibitory order is in force, thus the gathering is prohibited & illegal, and hence they have to disperse. But the crowd did not heed to the Police and started swelling within a short time. They also blocked the traffic. The Police again appealed them to disperse, or force will be used to disperse them. The police also arrested scores of the members. Some of the members did co-operate with the Police and voluntarily court arrested.
  3. But, when the lady police of the RAF arrested few of the Muslim women, who were also violating the prohibitory orders, the crowd started throwing footwear at the police. (The most oft seen picture of footwear strewn in the road is not of those who had fled the scene, but of those which were thrown at the police!) And they tried to surge ahead and commotion followed. They were more than 3000 men, and they were turning unruly. A sharp object hit the ACP, Shri. Suresh. Another Police constable was stabbed in the abdomen.
  4. The police immediately started firing tear gas shells and resorted to Lati charge to disperse the crowd. That worked and the crowd dispersed after some time, and the situation was brought under control. The injured were taken to the BB Ayesha hospital. More than 40 of them took first aid treatment in the hospital and only one was admitted as in-patient in the KR Hospital. The fact came out that, many of them were from outside Mysore city, from different parts of the state, and as well as from Kerala state.
  5. After receiving the news, both the DC and Police commissioner, rushed back to the city from B’lore. They visited all the injured in the Hospital. Prohibitory orders u/s.144 Cr.PC restricting total movement (Curfew) during night i.e. from 9.00 pm to 6.00 am was promulgated by the Police Commissioner from 9.7.09 to 13.7.09 in Udyagiri, NR Mohalla and Mandi PS limits.
  6. Later the District administration and Police convened meetings of minority leaders and explained to them the need to ensure peace at any cost. The leaders did co-operate and slowly the city is limping back to normalcy. The local minority leaders have appealed to all Muslims to keep up peace and also informed that they won’t tolerate anybody from outside fomenting trouble in Mysore and organizations should not take law in their hands.

 10th July (Friday)

  1. As there are mass prayers on Fridays, the Police Commissioner called a meeting of all senior Moulvis (Religious heads), just before Friday prayers in the presence of Deputy Commissioner and Chairman, Minorities Commission for discussing arrangements for the peaceful conduct of prayers and appealing them to maintain peace and communal harmony.  All the Moulvis unanimously agreed to cooperate and the Friday prayers passed off peacefully without any untoward incident.

 12th July (Sunday)

  1. As there were very strong rumours about the same organization again gathering in large numbers in Mysore City from all over Karnataka State and also from the States of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh defying prohibitory orders to protest the arrest of their leaders, the Police Commissioner arranged elaborate bandobust to ensure that their cadres/sympathizers do not enter Mysore city by seeking help from IGP, SR, Mysore and SPs of neighboring Kerala and TN States.
  2. Prohibitory Orders u/s. 144 Cr.PC was extended to the entire city of Mysore from the midnight of 12.7.09 to midnight of 14.7.09 as a precautionary measure by the Police Commissioner.

13th & 14th July (Monday & Tuesday)

  1. Because of the very strong and elaborate bandobust arranged there have been no gathering on these days and situation remained totally peaceful.
  2. Prohibitory orders u/s.144 Cr.PC was promulgated between midnight of 14.7.09 to midnight of 19.7.09 in only 3 PS limits viz. Udyagiri, NR and Mandi by the Police Commissioner. Situation is totally peaceful and under close watch.

P. Manivannan, IAS ,Deputy Commissioner & District Magistrate, Mysore District.

Sunil Agarwal, IPS, Police Commissioner, Mysore City Police, Mysore.


idontspam's picture

 Thanks for sharing. I can

130 users have liked.

 Thanks for sharing. I can only appreciate the courage of the police. 

kbsyed61's picture

Thanks for the report!

146 users have liked.

Mani Sir,

Thanks for presenting the details of official version. I hope in your term the crime is fought with tooth and nail without giving it a communal color. As long as justice and fairness is there, rest assured that you will have all the support from citizens. Hats off to you and the police for the courage shown. I do hope the culprits would be brought to justice ASAP.

It was interesting to note that even in times of need politics takes precedence. Otherwise how would we explain this?

"..Next day, protesting against the assault on Sri Giridhar, The Hindu Jagarana Vedike and Sri Rama Sene called for observance of City Bundh. The district administration talked to the leaders like, Sri Ramadas, Parliamentary Secretary to the Hon’ble CM, to appeal to the leaders to desist from Bundh. But it went in vain. Hence, elaborate bandobust arrangements were made by the Police Commissioner and the Bundh was by and large peaceful except for stray incidents. But the Bundh did hinder the return of normalcy in the city..."


Rithesh's picture

Thanks for sharing

137 users have liked.
Thanks for sharing the report sir.
I only hope that culprits are brought to justice without any regard to their religious or political affiliations.
Vasanthkumar Mysoremath's picture

Being there is what mattered most... Good Job Sir DC/PC

138 users have liked.

Citizens appreciations are with you officers.  Let all Gods bless you because both of you have handled the sensitive issues by 'being there'.

What remains to be done is deliverance of social justice and finding a way to stop -why such uglty happenings keep surfacing time and again in this lovely city.  Who are the people  responsible and why sentiments gets flared up and why emotions keep getting fired up. 

It augurs well for the administration to have initiated action to get applications for succor from those who had to suffer the mob fury and how best they can be compensated and in what manner.  There may be spurious claims.  Thorough screening and realistic evaluation of the damages suffered by individuals/citizens irrespective of class/creed etc., will have to be openly dealt with enough transparency and accountability and withour succombing to pressures that may be brought about by ...... all and sundry????

- Let justice prevail.  Let there be peace and harmony and let not the avareciousness of getting something out of such incidents become a source of income for unscrupulous elements. 

- Vasanth Mysoremath

tsubba's picture

thank you

158 users have liked.

thank you very much sir. this needs to be seen and read by more people. and hopefully inspires other officials. again, thank you very much,

George E Matthew's picture

Thank you

134 users have liked.

Big thank you to all police/district officials who handled the situation well

E.R. Ramachandran's picture

Thanks for sharing... but

146 users have liked.

Thanks for the candid  sharing  of unfortunate  communal disturbances that rocked our city.In as much as the candour and transparency of the report, the efforts of police too needs to be appreciated.

But I would like to add this which I mentioned  earlier on the same subject.

In this internet and fast communication world news travel faster.By now more than half ofthe world would have come to know of the unfortunate events  in Mysore. When such  horrific events become repetitive, people think it is chronic and avoid visiting such places cities gradually. This could hurt  ALL THE COMMUNITIES IN Mysore which is mainly a Tourist / heritage / Dasara / Yoga city.The Economics of  survival for hotels,tourist opearators, businessmen will hurt greviously, and across the board  for business ,if this lesson is not learnt and quickly.This lesson should be spread to everyone .Business thrives where there is peace, Law and Order and lack of fear.

A periodic confidence -building meeting with members of different communities could help. A smaller group  well accepted by both communities to douse the fire of hatred during such acts could help.

Vasanthkumar Mysoremath's picture

National Minority Commission's visit

149 users have liked.

to Mysore...

what is the outcome of this visit? Administration has placed the facts and figures in a transparent and accountable manner. 

- Vasanth Mysoremath comment guidelines

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