Yes, we have changed cloths! Based on feedback from users, we are happy to introduce a new look-and-feel to Praja website.
Our aim has been to make the site a little less-cluttered, provide more whitespace and make the text more readable.
We hope you like the new look. Of course, like always, we will keep working on further improvements so do let us know if you particularly don't like something.
Please leave a comment below if you liked or disliked any of the changes. If you notice something is broken or has disappeared, please let the tech team know through comments below. You can also directly email tech'at'praja.in .
[If you are using an outdated browser like Internet Explorer 6, you might not be getting all the features of the new site. We suggest you upgrade to a modern browser like Firefox which is free, better, easy and fast to use.]
Good work
I like the new look. Some ocational over laps at some places.
New Fresh look!
You look fuller, breezy, more cheerful and easy on the eye! Congrats to your fashion designer / dietician.
New Fresh look
New look is good! I would think the homepage can be a little more "less cluttered"
more simpler. similar to google :) or like the iPhone User Interface.
It looks more alluring...
Good job and Praja is looking more sexy.
My further suggestion the background that was black earlier is now plain white. I feel it is better to have a blue sky background because there is no white sky in the universe. There is already a piece of blue near the outline of Vidhana Soudha. Simply extend it to the rest of the background so that we can have a natural look of blue sky.
Keep up the modernisation.
Vasanth Mysoremath
New Look Praja
Any change for the better is welcome.
I would like a feature to move from post to post in the 'recent posts' list.
Great Looks !
Praja's appearance has greatly improved now.
The 'comments' are not immediately visible nor can I find the 'comments options' button to enable viewing a summary of them instantly - grateful if some guidance is provided here, thanks.
New look praja
How do I get older threads/postings quickly?
I had to go in a round about search to get to the posting on Volvo pass concession .
Thanks for the feedback!
Thanks everyone for the feedback. We are glad to know that the new site design is aesthetically liked by most people.
psaram42: can you please let us know on what pages you see overlap and what browser you use? We can try to change things to avoid overlaps.
karthikr80: We have simplified a the front page a bit further. We will continue to simplify it in future too. The aim is to provide a brief introduction to new users while keeping some dynamic content for regular users too.
VKM: We will try to make the banner better in future although it was never the intention to be 'photo-realistic' on the banner in the first place!
pathykv: we will figure out a way to navigate between recent posts. This will not be straight forward given the way the site software works, but we will keep this as a feature request and work towards it. On searching old content, apart from using the 'search', one can also click on an author's name (if the author of the post is known) to get all the posts from that author. Another way to look for old content is to click on the relevant 'tag' on any other post that would match your target post. We will try to write a detailed help page for this.
Naveen:I suppose you are referring to 'recent comments'. You can see recent comments either in a block on your left hand side or by clicking the 'latest comments' or 'latest activity' link on the front page on the right hand side. If you were referring to something else, please let us know.
nice color scheme
liked the new color scheme now..
btw would it be possible to get the 3 tabs in the centre section as before..accessing comments is easier that way..
I suppose comments is something regular users access frequently..
Home pages
blrsri: We will soon re-design the front page so that logged in users and guests will see different versions of the home page. That way we can keep features like 'recent comments' accessible to regular users while not burdening the new users with irrelevant information (from their point of view). We are in the process of testing it currently. Keep watching this space!
Good - some suggestions
Title in a single line, much easier on the eye to browse through
next line has author tone in different/smaller font. Also need to add Forum/Category where it will eventually sit in the post itself. Very useful, to sepereate at the point of entry
Plastic waste management at Nandi Hills
by idontspam - Category: Waste Management Type: Media report
Too much vertical divison, can we get rid of the right third, I think it can be redistributed on the left/top
Forums needs to have a top tab (not hidden somewhere)
Similarly text in a single line
For eg:
Metro : Bangalore Metro and BARL tracking, updates progress and delays
37 topics, 423 posts, Last post by Sanjayvv 1 week agoAlso granualirty can be in 1 week or so, need not waste the space by giving hour
Some Over lap instances
I use Google chrome regularly for browsing. The over laps observed and some other problems noticed are listed below.
1. The Track button over laps a bit on to Latest on Praja Window in blue [home->psaram42]
2. When I tried to Copy paste a spread sheet on to a comment window, the whole thing over shot the window. The color and cell structure lines don’t show up. Is it possible to paste an image of the spread sheet just to illustrate?
3. A spread sheet Copy pasted looses the cell formulas of the SS.
4. May be I should try pasting it on Plain Text editor? I doubt.
5. Some more overlaps to be reported later.
I have a small wish list
· Is it possible to have fixed border windows with integrated slide bar?
· Divide the screen into x no of windows with solid line frames witn their own integrated slide bars.
· That is have individual slide bars, inside these fixed frames.
· Push some more windows like Messages to the main menu bar
Gyan Related Requests
Our Gyan part of the site badly needs some 'ease of use' features. Some that I find lacking:
Need a book hierarchy (like a table of contents) on the Gyan main page. Something similar to a folder list you see in the left hand pane of Windows Explorer, so you can easily expand or collapse pages of gyan from their book titles.
Need to be able to distinguish between pages and books of Gyan. Some sort of an icon next to each one of those 'recently edited' entries?
How about an exclusive search dedicated to 'Gyan' alone?
Can we extend the above idea of icons to identify posts, comments and any other content as well? This way when you search for a topic, you can easily identify the resulting item.
Here is one on the 'reply' feature on the posts. What is it for? For example, I used 'reply' to make this post , as a reply to an earlier entry in the thread by SB. But, mine appeared in the end of the thread, as usual.
concur with Ravi above
The Gyan format is highly non intuitive. It is a bit of a struggle to visualize and create a book. Ideally, it would be great to have an index/toc on the left to help navigate.
The width allocated for the comment is not wide enough
Have the following suggestions.
1)The Width of comments can be increased thereby reducing the width of right hand vertical column options for search praja, about praja, etc
2) Cant you have "About praja" as an option after SUBSCRIBE,HELP and push the vertical options upward.. Scrolling down is a bit uncomfortable.
3)" Search praja" can be pushed upwards or have it along side SUBSCRIBE,HELP and only uplon clicking should a drop down window open. Having that eat precious space at the top right isnt helping the browsing experience.
Hurry Home
The Sage
Feauture Request?
Ok, i am still trying out figure out the layout, and what IS where and what goes where.
This is the latest tech post i found so i will post this here.
Is the old book feature still around? I want to tie all these lake, water and drain posts into one book. sanjay went to a conference, ram went to a conference. both are related. right now they are active so i can find them. a couple of months down the line, they will become like seeta and geeta in ram mela.
its there tarle
go to praja.in/book to see all books.
and do "outline" on any post you like to put them in a book. you should have the rights.