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Whitepaper - Still of relevance

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Metro RailTrafficBusPublic Transport

Hi All !

This is a long paper that I had completed quite some time back, but had not posted. The purpose of course had been to try to influence the authorities not to neglect improvement of infrastructure for bus services - the real work horses of the city transport system.

Having gone through some of the recent related threads here (such as the CAG rap on Delhi Metro, BETL & the opening of the sealink at mumbai), I am posting it.


White-Paper.pdf670.07 KB


silkboard's picture

Welcome back Naveen

176 users have liked.

This reminds me that I have not posted the presentation using some content from this whitepaper, and ideas of so many Praja members here.

Few things in there (in that presentation) seem to be getting implemented now (via Big10 corridors now). May be worthwhile to post it. Will post as soon as I locate the damn ppt file.

Welcome back :)

Ravi_D's picture

Good stuff....

212 users have liked.

If an interested individual can come up with such a nice and informative piece, wonder why is it so difficult for our authorities to comeup with a policy paper...

Feels like those who are responsible somehow don't have a grasp of these ideas and they don't seem to be analytical enough. We should probably get a 4 page summary of our collective thought printed out and distributed to everyone having something to do with transportation in Bangalore. 

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