Whitefielders - Residents, Workers, Office goers, students, this is an opportunity to voice your frustrations. Join the protest and be counted.
Whitefielders - Residents, Workers, Office goers, students, this is an opportunity to voice your frustrations. Join the protest and be counted.
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Open request to Bengaluru Industry Captains!
Dear Bengaluru Industry Captains, Greetings,
Going down the memory lane in May 2008, when the news of the new BIAL airport opening and shutting down of HAL had surfaced, there was lot of Hulla-Gulla made. Highlight of that noise was that all of you (Bengaluru based IT-BT Industry Captains) had come out in full force and protested the closure of HAL airport.http://www.business-standard.com/…/biz-honchos-bat-for-hal-…
Your main issue was the distance to the new airport and the time it takes to commute to the airport. Now, in 2015, BIAL is in Indian Partner's hands and have not heard any murmurs since GVK took over the operations from the German Operator. Since 2008, civic infrastructure in the Bengaluru has just gone broke. Power, Garbage, Potholes, Water, Pollution, you name a daily necessity that we can say is OK in Bengaluru city? BBMP, BDA, BWSSB, BESCOM, BMTC, IDD/UDD, DULT all the GOK agencies are found wanting in even mitigating the worsening situation. From time to time, I do read about your meetings with CM, GOK Ministers and your concerns on these things. Thank you for taking up these issues.
But things have not improved since 2008. Traffic situation in Bengaluru city has gone from bad to worse. Garbage crisis is waiting for an epidemic to explode. India's first electrified city is now going without power for hours. Yes, blame is not at you. We have such an inept governments since 2008, that they can't even address issues that don’t need lot of money or time. Either you have not been able to convince the government or they have not understood you. Result is we are in far worst condition than we are in 2008.
In democracy, if persuasion doesn't work, the only option left to the ordinary citizens is to hold demonstrations, protests and peaceful strikes. We Bengalurians being very soft and gentle, strikes being proprietary of left front factory unions, are out of bounds for us. Therefore, a protest is the only option that is left for us now.
On November 30th, 2015, people from Whitefield are organizing a protest the decaying state of infrastructure. This is a real test for all those social media savvy, who are fed up with posting their frustrations on Facebook and Twitter to come out and protest on the street. Yes, it is a Monday, working day.
I can only make a humble request that you all will join in full force to support this protest. Please demonstrate that your concerns will not stop at BIAL airport. Is it too much to ask for liberal leave on Nov 30th for your employees to participate in this protest?
Please show your support to improve infrastructure in Bengaluru.
Best Regards,
K B Syed
Well Said Syed, will Corporate raise their voice for the way
Way Bangalore Traffic, Garbage, Water, Iligal Land, Safe Pedestrain crossing, Corruption in BBMP, Power supply issues are becoming fire fighting, why CEO of Corporates are not rasining their concern on behalf of their Employees.
Chaltha Hai attitude in Corporate circle is catching fast in Bangalore.
Chaltha Hai METRO in 2025 should be slogan for Bangalore
How and What to do on the protest day?
Source - bangalore.citizenmatters.in
"...The protest will be held in five locations in and around Whitefield—Marathahalli bridge, Graphite India junction, Forum Value Mall, ITPL and KTPO. Five locations have been chosen so that people need not have to travel extra mile to reach the protest venue, says Zibi Jamal, one of the protest organisers.
How can people participate? The organisers have come up with ways to participate in the protest, for the elderly, children and others who are not able to reach the protest locations. They are:
Read more at: http://bangalore.citizenmatters.in/articles/whitefield-citizens-to-take-to-streets-on-nov-30th?utm_source=copy
Whitefield turns into 'protest zone'
The pent-up frustrations of the Whitefield residents over the unsolved civic woes came to the fore on Monday with thousands of them staging a demonstration at the International Technology Park Limited (ITPL) as part of the #SaveWhitefield protest.
Unlike usual Mondays when they would sit at their desks doing their jobs, the IT crowd poured onto the streets, starting from 10 am, demanding that the government look into the various civic and traffic issues troubling the residents of Whitefield and other areas of East Bengaluru.
People from various walks of life, schoolchildren, working professionals, residents and the elderly took part in the protest leaving behind their daily chores.
Dressed in black, the protesters gathered at seven assembly points of Marathahalli, Forum, Hoodi, Nellurahalli, KTPO and Graphite before heading to the rendezvous - ITPL - in front of Park Square Mall.
The pathetic condition of the roads, the absence of pedestrian facilities, traffic violations and pollution were among the issues they wanted the government to address immediately.
They have not just listed their demands but also set deadlines for the authorities to fix them. The list includes: levelling and asphalting of 30 roads in the area by March 1; fixing footpaths and barricading them by January 1; and deployment of traffic cops three times their present number by January 1.
R K Misra, a Whitefield resident, who is also the technical advisor to the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike and the Bangalore Development Authority, told Deccan Herald that they would wait till December 31 and if no visible changes took place in the locality, then they would intensify their protest.
“We will not pay the property tax from January next year in case the government does not act. We will also storm the Global Investors’ Meet scheduled to be held in the City in February 2016 and stage a protest there,” he added. Misra said though Rs 600 crore had been sanctioned by the government for the development of Whitefield this year, none of the works had commenced.
Utkarsh Singh, founder and managing director, Hyphen Strategic Design, said all companies in and around Whitefield put together suffered losses running into crores of rupees each year due to traffic-related issues.
“Nearly eight lakh vehicles pass through the area on any given day. We want the roads and footpaths to be maintained well. We also want the garbage cleared daily,” said Singh who initiated the #SaveWhitefield movement.
' 'Do not shout, BBMP is sleeping'
Had their vote failed them? Has the tax they paid over the decades only gone down the drain? Are they left in the lurch with the government turning a blind eye to their problems? Such were the questions protesters of #SaveWhitefield asked the government by displaying placards.
Clad in black, they marched in groups from seven locations to assemble at a common point. Led by an anchor and sub-anchor, each of these groups formed a human chain all the way to the ITPL road around 12 pm. ‘Do not shout.
The government, BBMP is sleeping' (sic), ‘Please show me the road to my school’, ‘My tax and vote has failed’. Placards carried by the protesters with such slogans caught the attention of commuters and motorists passing by.
In an already crippled Whitefield area, there was slow-moving traffic with the protesters gathering in large numbers.
While some protesters took buses to reach ITPL from the assembly points, a few walked all the way and others cycled. The protest did not surprise many commuters. While most of the employees chose to take to the streets, for a few others, Monday morning was like any other. For traffic cops, it was a hard day managing the crowd.
Head constable K Sathyanarayana, Whitefield traffic police, said the crowd swelled the most at ITPL after 11.30 pm. He added that as many as 30 police personnel, including traffic cops from the Whitefield traffic police station, were deployed at the spot to manage the protesters and handle the traffic movement.
Among the protesters were residents of the area, those who worked in the IT hub and also a group of concerned parents whose children studied at one of the schools in that locality.
In what she termed a terrible experience, Chetali, who resides near the Ryan School, said that on November 16, when the City saw incessant rainfall, it took her child five hours to reach home from school. She added that several schools in the area had also changed their timings to make it convenient for children to reach schools.
Pravir Bagrodia, spokesperson, Whitefield Rising, said the government had to put pedestrian safety on the priority list.
“There are no streetlights after the Marathahalli Bridge. We need more skywalks at the main junctions such as near Hope Farm Junction, Graphite, Hoodi and Kundanahalli Gate,” he said, adding that there were no zebra crossings either at any of the major junctions.
Bengaluru is crumbling and needs to be rebooted now
If there is one city in India which reflects its modern face to the globe, it's Bengaluru. A decade ago, Bengaluru emerged as the knowledge hub of the country , and rightfully earned the title of India's IT capital and aspired to ape the Silicon Valley .
At 10.1mn, Bengaluru's population has risen 47% over the past decade; it is the third most populous city in India and 18th most populous city in the world. Bengaluru has achieved the distinction of being the startup capital of India with the rise of young entrepreneurship. It is unfortunate that India's most promising city has crumbled, and far from being an aspirational city , it has driven its citizens to cry out in pain.
For a city which is home to many Fortune 500 companies, Bengaluru should have been in transit to become an iconic city . Unfortunately , the city is on a downward spiral with its social infrastructure lagging far behind its rampant growth - rapid unplanned urbanization, unusable roads, broken-down garbage disposal system, poor sanitation, rise of infectious diseases, unscientifically managed sanitary landfills, frothing lakes, Bengaluru has now reached tipping point, and needs course correction on a war footing.
For a city that pays the highest road tax in the country , crumbling road and traffic infrastructure is unexplainable. The congested traffic situation is taking its toll on the city's health, leave alone the number of productive work hours and energy loss.
Within the BBMP, the governance mechanism needs to be redefined. The process of tendering by materials versus complete project management with strict timelines needs to be implemented.
The city generates more than 5,000 tonnes of garbage (solid, organic and inorganic) every day and there is an informal garbage economy in the city. The seven waste processing units are grossly insufficient for a city of this size.
At the heart of the city's problem seems to be the financial crisis of the BBMP with a complete imbalance between its receipts and spend. The allocation of funds per capita within the city , versus tax paid per capita within the city seem disconnected, and that is precisely why Whitefield and East Bengaluru, which contribute the highest tax to the city, are now rising to demand better infrastructure. The BBMP needs a better fiscal management plan.
As cities grow and develop, patterns of living and working change so the transportation network should be constantly expanded and reoriented. Seoul, with 10.4mn people, is the world's most wired city with the densest public transport system, and is rated Asia's most livable city . For Bengaluru's development to remain sustainable, equitable and healthy , the city needs to be rebooted and reinvented. This city is crying in pain and needs attention. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/bengaluru/Bengaluru-is-crumbling-and-needs-to-be-rebooted-now/articleshow/49991543.cms
Citizens, corporates give govt earful over bad roads in Bengalur
On Monday, when children hit the streets in Whitefield holding placards saying "Help me find a road to the school'', they summed up what lakhs of people go through when they leave for office.
Hundreds of citizens from Whitefield and other areas arrived at International Tech Park Bangalore to protest against the government's indifference to the city's piling garbage and potholed roads.
Sindhu S, a one of the protester, echoed the views of many: "We spend a minimum of three hours commuting daily. It's taking a toll on our health and family life.... When it rains, we feel like spending the night in office because it will anyway take forever to reach home." Civic expert RK Misra appeared to voice the anguish of Bengaluru when he said: "They (the BBMP) cannot simply fix potholes; they have to fix the roads first. If they fail to do so, we will not pay property tax from Jan 1."
People holding office got a grim warning from MNCs too: they will stall expansion plans in Bengaluru and invest elsewhere. They say the government is not serious about addressing their complaints of lack of infrastructure and traffic congestion. Excessive commuting hours lead to loss of productivity and low employee morale.Whitefield is home to global technology companies like Dell, HP and Oracle.
There have been at least four deaths due to bad roads in recent days. The BBMP council, which met as the protest was under way, had cold comfort for citizens: "We are bankrupt. So no new projects. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/bengaluru/Citizens-corporates-give-govt-earful-over-bad-roads-in-Bengaluru/articleshow/49989957.cms
Tech firms threaten to stall expansion : Whitefield effect
Multinational companies with a significant pres ence in Whitefield and Outer Ring Road have warned they will stall expansion plans and investments could leave the city, if the traffic situation does not improve in Bengaluru.
Whitefield has always been home to some of the most renowned technology companies of the world, such as Dell, HP and Oracle, while Outer Ring Road is the new address for behemoths like eBay, Visa and Wells Fargo, among others.
“We met the chief minister in September and requested for a meeting on this issue, but it keeps getting postponed as there is no intent on their part,“ Ram Narayanan, general manager, eBay India, told TOI.
A lack of basic infrastructure, traffic congestion and excessive commuting hours, leading to productivity loss and low employee morale, have irked the MNCs which blame the lack of intent on the part of the state government to address the issue.
Narayanan said investment is something that is decided at the headquarters and if the situation does not improve, the money will go elsewhere. He said the ease of doing business extends to good infrastructure and added the com pany is open to looking at other options in the city.
“This lack of infrastructure is increasingly getting noted by our counterparts in the US, and brand Bengaluru is taking a hit. There is pressure on us to justify whether we should continue to invest in Bengaluru,“ Sarv Saravanan, EMC Asia Pacific operations head, told TOI.
Saravanan added in order to derisk, the company had already opened an office in another city, though he declined to name it.“Bengaluru is just not catching up on infrastructure,“ he said.
The situation is bad during mornings and evenings, but turns worse if it rains as pothole-filled roads are entirely waterlogged and commuters have to wait for hours, stuck in traffic. “On a bad day, a 12km journey from Whitefield to Domlur takes up to 2 hours,“ Vijay Bharadwaj, vice-president, human resources, Dell, said.
Ravi Gautham, senior vicepresident, Northern Trust Bank, said if the company had to think of increasing headcount, it would rethink doing so in Bengaluru because of the traffic. “Our days have extended as average commuting time is up by about 50%,“ he said.
“The fiasco during the day results in a huge loss of productivity.On an average, our employees take four hours to commute to and from office which affects their work-life balance,“ according to Bharadwaj.