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BMTC to introduce 19 feeder services

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BusPublic Transport

The Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) will commence Big Connect, its feeder service, on 19 routes from Sunday on an experimental basis for three months. Its continuation thereafter will depend on the response.


Survey for these 19 feeder services should have been done by BMTC and not completly depending upon the High court order.

Its good that Citizens have forced BMTV to look into the services between the nearest points like Vidyaranpur to Jalahalli, Bttrayanapur to Nagavara.  Similar services should have been taken up connecting Whietfiles station to ITPL,  Electronic City to HSR Layout, / KR Puram.

As the city has expanded with 198 wards,  these service will make big sense as every one will not travell from one end of the city to other end.  As many IT parks & Industry zones have come up like Mannyata Tech Park, Textile Park on Dobbballpur, IT park on Mysore road.  Connecting these places with 10 Kms radius will make big difference then connecting distance of 50 kms  by road. 

Public should utilize these services as done in 500 series in ORR.








Sanita's picture


206 users have liked.

Hi, can anyone give me information on the timings of 500df from Hope farm/ Hoodi in the mornings. I did wait for the bus for more that 45 mins and there was no sign of a Volvo bus on that route.

Thank you

Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

As per help desk : <From

217 users have liked.

As per help desk : <From Hebbala> 7.00,7.30,8.00,8.30,9.40,e​very 30 mins upto 16.55<From ITPL>:8.20,8.50,9.20,9.50,​11.25,11.55,12.25,12.55,14​.05,14.35,15.05,15.35,17.0​0,17.40,18.10,18.40

This is unverified data. Just FYI

" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
Sanita's picture

This is the same info i

218 users have liked.

This is the same info i received from them. However in the morning we see all buses on the Hebbal-Hoodi route and not the reverse. comment guidelines

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