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CBI - Sanjaynagar junction magic boxes

367 users have liked.

The CBI junction magic box work has started. But from what I can make out, there is only one box that would come up at CBI junction. Most likely, that would be the case for SJN junction. Given that, traffic flow would most likely be as in the figure. Please note that road widens after SJN towards CBI.

CBI - SJN junction

Traffic from SJN towards mekhri would have to take U-turn at CBI magic box and similarly, traffic from RT nagar towards BIA would have to take U-turn at SJN magic box. But I really wonder if there would be enough space to take U-turns at these junctions.


narayan82's picture


177 users have liked.
Navshot, the figure clarified a few doubts. Thanks Any Idea what the widht of the Magix Box is? Is it the BDA junction width or the AnandNagar Width? If it as wide as the BDA junction I assume U turns should be not much of a problem.
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
bangalore-guy's picture

looks good.

180 users have liked.

This looks like a good design. If the boxes are wide enough (to allow U turns) then the traffic flow should be quite smooth.

Wait at Kodigehalli is going to get prolonged further as another junction becomes signal free.

It will relieve the signal at D Rajagopal road junction

174 users have liked.

I hope the magic boxes are as big as the BDA junction magic box. If it is the size of Anandnagar, then it becomes useless.

Is there scope to file for RTI infromation about the width of these two magic boxes (BDA and Sanjanagar junction)? 

I'm atleast glad the signal near SJN will not exist. The other two hurdles are the Kodigehalli Signal and Yelahanka Signal. 

silkboard's picture

width of these boxes

170 users have liked.
Cadambi, Narayan, ping photoyogi or send him a private message, he has all the stats on these boxes, and has built connections with a few relevant engineers and workers.
rs's picture

Windsor Manor

149 users have liked.
Is there any proposal to build an underpass at Windsor Manor ? The current situation is really bad - since there is no traffic light there is utter chaos at that junction as people who want to take a right in to Kumara Park have to intersect with people coming from the golf course and heading towards BDA. It took 40 minutes to get from High Grounds to Cauvery Junction on Saturday. On the other hand the other way - from Cauvery to MG road - has greatly improved thanks to the under/over passes.
idontspam's picture

This happens because

197 users have liked.
We dont have the concept of "yield" and "give way". We create jams where there are none. I have mentioned this before.. without a proper driving culture and proper lane markings even if we have 25 lanes one way there will be Jams.
rs's picture

Windsor Manor continued.

188 users have liked.
While I cannot help but agree with you on the subject of the poor driving skills of our fellow countrymen, I also feel that much of the traffic problems in this city are due to bad management. In many instances a simple traffic light would greatly improve the situation - 17th Cross Malleswaram and Rajajinagar intersection, for example. People dont yield because they fear that if they do they will never get a chance to go. This is the same reason why the dont wait at bus stands - they fear that the bus wont stop and hence have to physically block it by standing on the road. This forces the bus to stop 2mts from the stop and block the road, adding to the preexisting chaos. Nevertheless the situation at Windsor Manor cannot be helped with a traffic light as the volume of cars turning right and oncoming are quite large. My understanding was that originally there was to be an underpass but at some point someone in BBMP woke up on the wrong side of the bed and decided otherwise. Anyway, hopefully they will do something about this soon.
narayan82's picture

re: Windsor Manor

189 users have liked.
They did have a plan for an Underpass but I think the underwater pipes and soil composition was the reason to cancel the project. As IDontSpam pointed out - a bit of civic sense can cleanse this mess - but that in Bangalore is asking WAY too much!
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
Photoyogi's picture

Reg Windsor Manor Traffic flow

207 users have liked.
Hi rs, Can you please tell me what time in the day was this traffic mess, I will have a look and check out. My personal observations (I stay in Kumara Park West) I happen to use this section at least twice a day. I have found the traffic fairly smooth as compared to when it was a manned signal. My wait times have been nearly zero and the reason is thanks to the "yield" I have noticed a jam once in the evening around 7 PM when a (jr) traffic constable stuck out his hand and tried to man the intersection. So all in all I don't fully agree with rs's view I know this traffic intersection has a very high potential for a jam more so thanks to the VIP movement from Kumar krupa road. -- Praveen Sundaram AkA PhotoYogi

-- PhotoYogi

Photoyogi's picture

CBI Jn Magic Box Width

191 users have liked.
When i last spoke to the engineers they had assured me that the CBI Jn Magic Box is going to be as wide or wider than BDA Jn (5.5m) The road section at CBI Jn is much wider than BDA Jn and supports wide service lanes that can handle traffic flow during the construction of the magic boxes. Anyways its time i point my camera in that area and chat with the engineers there. Will update soon -- Praveen Sundaram AkA PhotoYogi

-- PhotoYogi

rs's picture

Hi It was a Saturday

166 users have liked.
Hi It was a Saturday evening, around 6 pm. I think the junction is fine most of the time. The trouble starts when traffic is a little high as then there is no gap for people to turn right at - in which case the road gets blocked as neither way is willing to yield. I also agree that often policemen add to the chaos as their idea is to allow all the traffic going one way to pass before allowing the other way to go. This causes huge buildups and results in chaos.
navshot's picture

CBI Jn - something different

198 users have liked.

I might have been wrong in my original post above. There is one more box that is coming up just about 100 meters from the box at CBI Jn towards hebbal. Really not sure what the traffic design is upto. Photoyogi, it'd be great if you could ping BBMP engineers on this.


-- navshot
Photoyogi's picture

CBI Jn Magic Box Update

173 users have liked.

Navshot, I was there a while ago, unfortunately there was no work happening tonight so could not chat with the engineers. The traffic was quite heavy so photography was limited to some shots from the coffee day will post the pics online.

There are 2 magic boxes that are being being put into place. One at the CBI Junction and the other about 100 meters from the CBI jn towards the anand nagar underpass.

I think these two are going to get linked  by a flat surface and would handle the "signal-free" traffic flow to and from the airport.

The function of the MagicBox (M/B) at the CBI junction seems to be some what clear, that it will provide a signal free right turn for traffic from Mekhi circle to CBI & U turn into a service lane to ganganagar market.(?)

The second M/B is puzzling me could not figure the reason and the traffic flow. The locals i spoke to did not have a clue and i could not speak to the engineers.
Navshot if you happen to live around that area can we meet up for a coffee and discuss?

Please wait for photo updates / sketch will put them up once i get to understand the intentions of the M/Bs

-- Praveen Sundaram AkA PhotoYogi

-- PhotoYogi

navshot's picture

Re: CBI Jn Magic Box Update

199 users have liked.


There is one possible usage: The box that is off CBI jn by 100 mtrs may be used for U-turn from hebbal back towards hebbal? I mean, there is no decent U-turn anywhere till this point. Anandnagar one is really a match box and since two boxes are there, it might be difficult to manage U-turn traffic. Numbers are low who require this U-turn, but requirement is there nevertheless.

Note: Sent a priv msg to you...

-- navshot

-- navshot's picture


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