Monorail RFP and replies to queries to RFP attached (also at http://www.idd.kar.nic.in/monorail.html, http://www.idd.kar.nic.in/docs/RFP_Tech_Cons_Monorail.pdf, http://www.idd.kar.nic.in/docs/Replies%20to%20Queries%20to%20the%20RFP%20document.pdf). Looks like the monorail may start in the time frame of August 2011 (52 weeks after the response to bids). One interesting response to the question
We request you to provide the details of the any previous monorail projects in Bangalore, eg. Studies done, routes, reasons for abandoning those projects, etc.
Not available
Wonder why the Scomi/Geodesic proposal is not mentioned? Surely studies were conducted for their proposal?
Paging Naveen to update his consolidated map and update/verify his earlier suggestions.
Attachment | Size |
RFP_Tech_Cons_Monorail.pdf | 744.67 KB |
Replies to Queries to the RFP document.pdf | 187.77 KB |
Mass transits moving slow
Reverting -- currently out of station.
Surprising to see no mention of the Scomi proposal. Also, the proposed Metro corridor between RV rd terminal & Electronic city (via Silkboard) appears to have been dropped (was not announced as part of ph-2).
While B'luru waits, Delhi goes forward on Monorail!
Source - Tehelka