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Transport Mafia in Kalasipalyam

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I have been trying to complain against the issue of the Transport mafia in our locality in bangalore.However i am getting no response from the police department or BBMP . This locality is one of the oldest areas , but unfortunately has been severely neglected. We the residents of


have complained innumerable times to different authorities but thevoice of the common man is no where to be heard.Looks like the Rich Powerful and the mighty have their say in Independent India.

The law abiding common man has to suffer at the hands of these people and compromise on the basic rights.

From the last 2 years we have an office of a transport agency in front of DDPI office kalasipalyam which has come up.They operate GeePee Travels buses.

This is basically a residential area but these people park there buses from evening till midnight and there is lots of loading and unloading of luggage.It is difficult for pedestrians to walk on the footpath and the office place stand near the houses and park the Buses in front of the house and threaten and abuse us if we talk anything to them. Since this building is located at the corner it blocks the view of vehicles who want to take a turn .It definitely causes a blind-spot causing many minor mishaps in the last few years.

I totally accept that they can have their office but i strongly oppose them illegally parking their buses and using the place for loading and unloading activities.

There is a board of  NO ENTRY for HTV to enter 2nd Main Road kalasipalyam. There are stones erected to not let the buses enter the road and park the vehicels illegally.

I Would be highly obliged if BBMP or Bangalore Police can please look into this and direct the traffic authorities not to let these buses to be parked.
We residents of the neighborhood have complained innumerable times to all authorities and despite all the assurances no action on ground is being taken.It my sincere request to please help us and let us live in peace which we deserve.

The plight of the residents of our locality has been highlighted in the article below in Bangalore Mirror on 18th November

Read - 'Fort in a shambles'.

The people of these transport business are rich and powerful and the common man can in no way fight these people unless we have help of the authorities.

All we are requesting is not to let  them have their own way and cause inconvenience to others.We cannot even talk to these people as they are very abusive and if someone tries to talk to them they all  group & threaten and say  do whatever you want and they carry out their work according to their whims and fancies.

I Would also like to bring to your notice that there is a NO PARKING BOARD in front of # 16 ,2 nd main Road (Rahman Manzil).their office is located at #18,2nd main road,kalasipalyam and These people never cared and the traffic police never implemented it.I think the rules are meant for the common man and not for the rich .

I hope you will help the law abiding citizens and make sure the law of the land prevails. This is my humble and sincere request to please ensure that the buses do not enter the by lanes of kalasipalyam area.I would like to plead with you on behalf of all the residents of the locality.To make kalasipalyam more pedestrian friendly and not a parking facility for buses.

The residents would be really grateful if there is someone who can really help us at least this time as many of our requests previously have fallen to deaf ears.


kbsyed61's picture

Needs multiple responses!

199 users have liked.


First of all thanks for sharing your concerns and frustration. The problem you have illustrated is indeed of great concern and should be attended to ASAP. Also the problem needs to be addressed in multiple ways.

The root of the problem is parking facility for Private Buses in kalasipalya, Majestic and other places. Government and all the stakeholders just can not turn away from this problem. The existing Kalasipalya bus station I believe has been closed for improvements ? Solution to those problem needs short term arrangements and for long term We need to find answers for where to find the place for Private Bus station and who would builds it and manage it?

But your immediate problem also needs to be looked into. One suggestion would be that form a Home owner association and try to reason it with the transport companies, if it is not already done. If it doesn't work, file a written complaint with the Bangalore Traffic Police and see the results.  Also try to take up the issue with the area BBMP councilor and MLA. All to be taken as a group instead of dealing it as an individual.

You might want to post here with some map, photos etc. Many civic agency  babus quite often visit Praja and take notice of the issue that gets discussed here.


Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

People power..

216 users have liked.

 Imran said:


Looks like the Rich Powerful and the mighty have their say in Independent India.

The law abiding common man has to suffer at the hands of these people and compromise on the basic rights.


Thats hard truth. But what works for India is people power. So get the people together to fight for the cause. The combination of people power with Gandhigiri, will bring success. Recently we hard group of residents in Rajarajeshwari Nagar got success (against BMMP issue) with same combination. No violence, no troubles.. Just people and movement !

 Good luck !


" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
imran_huq17's picture

Transport Mafia in Kalasipalyam

195 users have liked.

The office of GEEPEE travels is at # 18, 2nd Main Road .I Would also like to bring to your notice that there is a NO PARKING BOARD in front of # 16 ,2 nd main Road (Rahman Manzil).
The board does exist but these people never cared and the traffic police never implemented it.I think the rules are meant for the common man and not for the rich .There is a board of  NO ENTRY for HTV to enter 2nd Main Road kalasipalyam.
This was made possible by the numbers efforts by the residents but finally the enforcing authorities turn a blind eye or sometimes hand in glove .
There are stones erected to not let the buses enter the the 2nd main  road (Dispensary Road) and park the vehicles illegally,but they are not aligned properly .

murali772's picture

people power - the only answer

196 users have liked.

The problem is the step-motherly treatment meted out to the private players by the government - check this. They have a key role to play, and if facilitated properly, they can become the drivers of a more uniform economic growth across the state. But, unfortunately, the government alongwith various vested interests is not allowing for it.

But, the solution, if any, to your immediate problem can evolve only the way Bheema and Syed have suggested. All the very best.    

Muralidhar Rao
kbsyed61's picture

City needs a bus station/tarnsfer station for private buses!

211 users have liked.

@murali sir,

It is really bizarre to imagine the silicon city to be without any proper bus station for private buses. Looks like people need to demand government for creating infrastructure for the private operators as well. There could be multiple approaches.

One to integrate the bus stations/transfer station for all public and private operators. That would be the ideal thing to do.

Another approach would be creating exclusive infrastructure for the private players. It could be in a PPP model.

Let us discuss the best options for this.

Meanwhile I am getting ready to prepare for filing a RTI with transport department.


Naveen's picture

Unfinished Kalaspaliyam to be questioned

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Kalaspaliyam rejuvenation hasn't taken off for too long now. The RTI must focus on Kalaspaliyam, primarily whilst also questioning provisions at other nodes.

I think MCTC (Mysore rd) is being used by some private buses. Since KBS is being remodeled, some provisions can be made for pvt buses there too. Similarly, it should be possible to allocate space at Gandhinagar (adjacent Freedom park), Byappanahalli, Silkboard (KSP land), Hebbal & Peenya.

Once space has been allocated for private inter-city buses, enforcement can be done better & they can be banned from parking on street sides & disturbing neighbourhoods.

imran_huq17's picture

Transport Mafia in Kalasipalyam

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Dear Respected Sir's,

I am really grateful for your time and patience and appreciate your response on my post.
I tottaly agree with your sugesstion's that there must be some Infrastructure created
for the private operator's to carry out their services.That will also generate revenue
for the government.

But do you really feel these people way pay for these facilities
when they get to park the buses for free now.If you have traveled by the private buses
most of the journey's are delayed waiting for the bus to be filled.
As suggested the Mysore Road TTMC and the KH Road TTMC Can be used by the private operators and they are harldy 2 Kms from Kalasipalyam.

Since you plan to file and RTI with the Transport department
it will also be worth to clarify if the the passenger buses can carry freight.
I am sure you can see most of the buses loaded fully on the top.
do they pay the necessary taxes for all of the other business that they carry out.
I am sure you will be surprised with the facts you will discover.
I have nothing against the Transporter's but if they carry out their business
in an amicable way it would be most welcome.But unfortunately this is not the case.



Naveen's picture

Pvt Bus Terminals

198 users have liked.

Hi Imran,

you can see most of the buses loaded fully on the top.
do they pay the necessary taxes for all of the other business that they carry out.

Private buses parking on road sides, indulging in freight carriage & delaying journeys to wait for addnl passengers has always been happening - most of them do this, causing lot of inconvenience to passengers. Sometimes, they even ask passengers to switch buses halfway through the journey or even before they have exited the city of origin (happened to me many times in mumbai & mangalore).

To stem this, strict enforcement is the only way, but they must first be provided with terminus facilities - none of them have garages of their own & are bound to undertake repairs /maintenance also at the terminals. Only when terminal areas have been provided can enforcement be efficient & effective.

Vasanth's picture

Private BusStops Also near Anand Rao Circle and Vidyapeetha.

187 users have liked.

 Lots of Private buses, VRLs mainly near Anand Rao Circle and Mangalore bound buses near Vidyapeetha block traffic, police turning deaf ears for public.

ananth.bangalore's picture

Private Bus Terminals.

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FYI- there are separate terminals for private operators in even smaller cities like Coimbatore and Madurai and has been existing since almost the past 10 years. In coimbatore, there are private bus stations at 3 places apart from the city center, thus reducing private inter-city buses from all directions coming into the city. De-centralising private bus stations simply distributes area required for the total traffic volume into the various terminals and also makes it easier to maintain.

imran_huq17's picture


171 users have liked.

I had complained about the illegal parking of GeePee Travels in Kalasipalyam 2nd Main Road and their activities of loading and unloading in the residential area.

I had written a complaint by e-mail on 24th November 2010 to the commissioner of police Shri.Shankar.M.Bidari.Immediately he has asked this issue to be investigated the issue.

The complaint  was referred to  A.C.P Chikpet, Shri, MK Solabheshwarappa  who has promptly called the owner's of GeePee Travels after making an enquiry of the facts from the kalasipalyam police station.This was on 30th November 2010.

The Owners have given a written statement that they do not park the buses in front of others residences which is far away from truth. I along with my father went to the office of the A.C.P Chickpet  the next day 1st December 2010 to give a statement . It was really nice of the A.C.P and his office people that they were really co-operative,understood the problem we were facing and patiently took down our statement.

Mr.Solabheshwarappa was kind enough to acknowledge the problem caused by the transporters in kalasipalyam and assured us full support in to resolve the issue.He also informed that the he had directed the owners of GeePee Travels to carry out their business without causing any inconvenience to others and not to park their vehicles illegally in front of the residence in the neighborhoods and behave well with the neighbors.

He was ready to go an extra step and directed  his staff to forward the complaint to the Traffic Department.I was really humbled by his humility,honesty and the practical approach to the problem.

On our way back home we saw that GeePee Travles buses were again parked in front of our house and immediately contacted the office of the A.C.P Chikpet who directed us to the Kalasipalyam Police Station.

We went there the next day in the morning on 2/12/2010 and met PSI-Shri.Siddalingaiah of Kalasipalyam Station. I must say he is another thorough gentleman.

He had already collected the details regarding GeePee Travels,their parking of buses in the entire area and the nuisance caused by them and their employees to the other residents .

He also assured us full co-operation and directed his staff to call the owners of the travels.
He also asked his staff to direct the traffic authorities to impose fine if the buses are seen to be parked illegally.Was just amazed at the efficiency of his work.

A few things i would like to mention about my experience at both the Police Stations

The myth that the police people harass the common man and their complaints are never looked into and the system does not work 

FACT IS If you have a genuine issue - There are very good people in police department who are there to help you.I must say the police people like us are good human beings.

I am a software consultant and have worked in various blue chip MNC's in india and abroad and my father is a Retired Accounts Officer from the Govt of Karnataka .

We were just bowled out by the kindness and genuineness of all of these officials.
I must say the Police Department works more efficiently and methodically  than most of the big names in the IT Industry.

Another popular myth  - If you have to get your work done in the police department you have to pay money or bribe someone ..

FACT IS   You will not even dare to imagine of such a misadventure with these officers.

These officials talk straight to the point make you feel easy and Resolve the issue.

When we walked out of both the offices, me and my father could not stop ourselves from folding our hands and thanking them.I bent my head in respect for the entire police force.

From the last 2 days the GeePee Travels people have not parked their vehicles in front of our house.I sincerely hope they do not harass us further and the traffic police enforce the NO - Parking and NO - Entry of HTV into the 2nd main road,Kalasipalyam strictly.

I have also written to the Commissioner BBMP to make sure that the stones which are erected to stop these heavy vehicles to enter the by lanes are aligned properly. Sincerly hope to hear from them soon.

The Commissioner BBMP has directed the Jt Commissioner West Division about  2 days ago and i guess he will also take some action soon.

Many Thanks to A.C.P Chikpet, Shri, MK Solabheshwarappa  & PSI of of Kalasipalyam Station. Shri.Siddalingaiah.


Dear Commissioner Sir I am grateful to you for responding to my request and understanding my deep anguish.You really have a great team.


FInally, Thank  you very much and appreciate all your help.

idontspam's picture

Thanks for sharing. 

211 users have liked.

Thanks for sharing. 

sanjayv's picture

Congratulations, but mixed feelings

194 users have liked.

 Happy to hear that the problem is getting solved Imran.  However, I always have mixed feeling about such stories.  Why did you have to go to the commissioner for such a basic problem and clear violation of the law.  These police officers who helped you - the violations were happening under their nose in their jurisdiction.  There are laws to prevent this.  Why did they not stop it before?

Reminds me of the scene I saw where the cop came by a steet hawker, a hand came out of the police jeep to collect 10Rs.  The Hawker says that she has to shell out 2 times a day.  Perfect isn't it?  The hawker is on the edge and has no rights. Pedestrians walk around the intrusions on the footpath and the cop makes 20 x no. of vendors every day and probably still has a relatively hard life.. 

PS: Do not mean to insult the police men with this post.  They lead unenviable lives under insane pressure themselves.



murali772's picture

long term solutions needed

186 users have liked.

This article on the Cheetah Patrol collecting 'mamools' was published in Citizen Matters in Apri,'08. Mr Sarfras Sheikh has again posted on savekoramangala Y-group recently, saying that the practice has resumed in full flow, after a short lull. In fact, I myself have seen this going on, and quite openly too, whenever I have taken a walk in the shopping areas of Koramangala, Domlur, etc.

Yes, the job is quite unenviable, and the working conditions, and the salaries at the lower end are still very low. And, the Soli Sorabjee committee recommendations which addresses these issue are still to be implemented by most states, including namma Kar-nataka.

And, the answer to the main problem discussed here, perhaps lies in what has been suggested here

Muralidhar Rao
imran_huq17's picture

RE : Mixed Feelings......

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Sanjay...Appreciate your thoughts.....!!

Well we had been complaining to differnt authorities from time to time and hence got the NO PARKING BOARD ,NO ENTRY TO HTV as well the STONES ERECTED TO STOP the entry of these vehicles into the road.

I Guess we can be discussing what would have been a better approach,but i felt this was best to get a faster resolution as these people had become uncontrollably rude and arrogant and abusing the neighbors.
In spite of all our efforts they were flouting the rules even tough they were warned previously as well.

Well i totally agree with your observations you have made and hence highlighted that thee are some genuine people in the police.....!!!!

And i totally agree with kbsyed61's  sugesstions  as directed by  Muralidhar Rao's...Yes there are very simple and straight forward solutions....... LONG TERM ........SHORT TERM ...but the big question is does the Government have the WILL to Implement these.......???

Will the private operators pay up for using the infrastrucutre  ?????

Infrastructure will solve some issues but as pointed out by Naveen...some more issues will still need to be looked into.

Private buses Indulging in freight carriage & delaying journeys to wait for addnl passengers has always been happening - most of them do this, causing lot of inconvenience to passengers. Sometimes, they even ask passengers to switch buses halfway through the journey or even before they have exited the city of origin

As i have mentioned earlier it would be very interesting to know how much TAX the private transporters actually pay and for what all.....?????

In the meanwhile i am still waiting for the BBMP to respond .......!!!!!!!!!!!!

imran_huq17's picture

Private bus operators.....

190 users have liked.

Some more issues which need to be looked into.....

Times of India Bangalore had reported an incident where 2 buses were running with the same registration numbers . The fact that the those 2 buses were on same road and an alert traffic cop was in charge, this came into light. What if they were running on different roads................?????

Apparently this practice is common among the private bus operators . The operators have to pay a tax.

So, they run multiple buses with the same registration number to cut down on their costs ....Innovative...Idea's!

rameshk's picture

Not just lost tax!

193 users have liked.

Imran, the tax revenue the govt. loses is just (may I say) a small part of the issue you highlighted (duplicate regn. numbers).

Before I read about it in media, I actually SAW this when the bus I was travelling (one of the govt. corporation buses) stopped at roadside eatery for "dinner". The regn. number of the (private) bus parked just next to mine caught my fancy because, well, it was a fancy number, something like all similar digits (don't remembe the exact number). After I walked a few steps away, I was suddenly shocked when I had a feeling that even after walking away, I was still near the same bus. Which is when I reconfirmed that I indeed came some dictance away and what I was looking at was an exactly similar private bus, including the regn. number. That was when I reaffirmed to my conviction only to travel by govt. corporation buses.

Just imagine, you might be travelling "illegally" even without knowing it? Think of all possible implications...!

murali772's picture

it runs deeper!

192 users have liked.

@Ramesh, Imran - what you say is all true; but the problem goes deeper - check this

Muralidhar Rao
Ravi_D's picture

No easy answers...

188 users have liked.

...and no singular answers either. You provide facilities, and corrupt will find a way. You don't and they still find a way. That seems to be true to pretty much everything you see today.

Privatization / competition helps, only with a efficient, honest and empowered regulator. We know how easy it is to find the honest kind. Rest, you imagine. Without them though, you have a free for all. Just like we have it now. Or worse. Don't think it would be better.

So, let us ask for a regulator first. Let the regulator oversee the existing lot and prove itself. Then invite the rest to compete. 

imran_huq17's picture

Transport Regulator.....

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A Honest,Accessible,Transparent and Quick Response Transport Regulator, seems to be a feasible idea to look at most of the problems of the consumers using both the government and private buses.

There should be a Public grievance redressal mechanism  and accountibility and complaints should be looked into and resolved in a timebound manner.

The Regulator can be setup on the lines of TRAI and the complaints can be looked at by something similar to consumer courts.

The Transporters also should be graded by the regulator once a year depending on their services/facilities offered and their compliance to the rules.This will also help the general public when they choose a transport provider.The slab of rates for a route can be fixed based on these ratings.This will also make sure that the transporters will compete to get better grades.

Violations of rules and regulations must be put on a website and more than 3 violations should result in the cancellations of the licence and seizure of the vehicle.While awarding the licences the government should take some bank guarentees which it can encash in these scenario's.

Again......Enforcement and Implementation......and the WILL TO what it counts....!!!!

I am sure others also will have better idea's.

Murali Sir  - I read the other posts and i hope i have given some fresh idea's.


murali772's picture

need for a regulator is a given

192 users have liked.

@Imran, Ravi

The need for a strong regulatory mechanism is a given. I have said so in each of my blogs/ posts too. And, nobody is saying a no to it, either. And, the tasks listed by you are exactly what they need to be doing, apart from more ( Incidentally, an online bus ticket booking agency, Redbus, already provides a facility for rating a trip experience - check this.

But, the problem is that very few people are demanding competition for the government monopolies. And, unless that happens, the government will continue happily as the prosecutor, judge, jury, as well as the accused, here. So, by sitting on the fence on this aspect, you are all just contributing to perpetuating the status quo.

Only when you demand competition, will things start happening. And, even with all the scams that have happened since the opening up, the respective sectors have flourished, and thereby the country's economy, providing employment to millions.

Muralidhar Rao
safina's picture

Eve Teasing

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Men will be Men

You people talk all such big things staying in  this locality one of the pains every girl has to bear is the lewd comments of  people.

They are there at any given time early in the morning,late in the evening,afternoon repairing auto's or near buses or just doing nothing.The worst part is they do not even spare innocent little girls and comment about is such a torture that a girl has to endure bcoz of stupid men.

It's the same story every day. You step on the street in the morning There are eyes looking evilly and you're still cursing him under your breath as you pass a group of men standing at the corner passing comments, It is impossible for women to walk in kalasipalyam without a male escort.

The police don’t take eve-teasing incidents seriously. Eve-teasing is such a common thing for them .

murali772's picture

there are men, and men!

204 users have liked.

@ Safina - Firstly, welcome to PRAJA.

Let me assure you that all men are not the same. The men in PRAJA have spoken out strongly against such acts, in the past (check this), and continue to do so.

Now, for problems like these, what you perhaps need to do is to mobilise the elders (particularly women) in the local community, and along with them, confront your tormentors. The matter will get sorted out in no time. Through PRAJA, you can post a message to Imran, and between the two of you, you can perhaps take the matter forward. All the best!

And, for more, check out " ". They are organising an event next week-end - may be you could participate, and look for solutions to these kinds of problems.


Muralidhar Rao
imran_huq17's picture

Is....... Might .......Right..............?????

197 users have liked.

Just an Update on the hapennings.........

i am still waiting for the BBMP to respond and align the stones to stop the buses from parking .......!!!!!!!!!!!!

GeePee Travels have again started to park their vehicles in the evening again and also in the early morning....another development is that the traffic police have taken a statement from one of our tenants who keeps their tools in one of our shops.They seem to force our tentants to give a statement against us.I guess i jumped the gun in lavishing praise over the police. I did meet nice people but i feel there is some black sheep too.

What i fear now is probably a case against us from the traffic police regarding the place we have rented out or i dunno what innovation they will come with.

The shop which we have rented is hardly about 4 feet in height 2 feet in width and 3 feet in length.

This is a portion below the staircase.We have rented this portion to auto mechanics to be as security to our building.The rent we get from this shop is Rupess 100 ( Yes Hundred Rupess only).

I Would also like to mention that this building in under acquisition from the govt from last 25 years. we have pleaded with the BBMP Several times to take the work up also filed cases in the court pleading the govt to take it.This is one of the few buildings that has not been acquired.

I am wondering now if it was a mistake to complain against these transporters or i should have waited for the government to come up with some kind of infrastructure to facilitate them........????

Should i have tolerated their abuses and accepted their rude behaviour and let them park their buses in front of my house.

The request i made with the government was it unreasonable or unjustified..............????????

If the police officials feel that our tenants are doing anything illegal we would co-operate and close the shop.

Both my parents are retired government officials and have an immaculate service record of more than 30 + years.even my grandfather was a retired government servant and had an unblemished record .Our family has stayed peacefully in the locality for more than 70 years without any hassles at all ,living in harmony with all neighbors and tenants . I myself am a software consultant working for more than 10 years wihout a dot against me.Now i guess i will be branded as a CRIMINAL.

Me and my parents are now scared to go to our house which we stayed for more than half a decade and in spite of the help of some honest officials there seem to be some people in the police department who are hand in glove with these transporters.All i hope is that we are not targeted by any false allegations and some cases filed against me and my family harassed.

Murli sir i agree with your comments .... by sitting on the fence on this aspect, you are all just contributing to perpetuating the status quo. ....I wish i could contribute more..........!!!!!

Really dunno where this is heading to..........dunno how to go about fighting these people..........if i continue will i get much time to invest in this.........and finally is it worth it..???

Regards,                                                                                                                                                                                                      Imran.


imran_huq17's picture


196 users have liked.

@ Murali Sir ,

Wanted to know from you if it will be worth an excercise to file an RTI to find out whether the business running by them is legal,Gather all the required information through RTI from BMC dept, Traffic Dept. License Dept,from Police Dept. regarding whether they are authorized to do the current business.They also run a lodge above the transport office located.

Would appreciate your opinion and thought's......!!!!


imran_huq17's picture

Pictures of Buses of GEE PEE Travels parked ILLEGALLY.........

214 users have liked.

You can see the buses parked on the Roadside.....on BOTH SIDES OF THE ROAD........the luggage on the passenger vehicles.Wonder how the Traffic police ignore these GROSS VIOLATIONS................??????



The stones were places to stop HTV vehicles but these people have managed to remove one and                                                                              now they park their vehicles on both sides of the ROAD and claim more than 50% of the Road.

How can a licence for a lodge be given in a residential area.......????

murali772's picture

galvanise local community action

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Unchecked commercialisation is a problem all across the city - result of poor governance. Unable to do much about it, many people who have been living in the inner city for years together (quite like you and your parents) have been forced to sell/ lease-out their properties and move to out-lying areas. If you are unable to organise your local community into resisting it, you also may not have much of an option.

RTI, etc are just tools. It can help in a fight. But, by itself, it can'tr fight.

Muralidhar Rao
imran_huq17's picture

Will Fight.........

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Dear Murali Sir......

Thanks for your prompt you have correctly mentioned most of the people have move moved out unable to bear the deterioration of the environment of the locality.

We as a local community fought and as i had pointed before were able to acheive a bit of sucess of getting the stones erected and the NO HTV and NO PARKING boards....but these people manage to bribe the local BBMP & the Police officials and continue their business.

We have complained to senior police officials and even minsiters many times.they always speak nicely to us agree with the problems we face promise us releif, things get better for a few days but again these people find their own ways.


They should atleast learn to behave and not be arrogant and cannot assume that they can do anything with their money and muscle power.

I think i will END THIS THREAD HERE and Thanks for everyone's comment's.



Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

Everything is a project

184 users have liked.

Imran, Sorry for extending your thread , though you wanted to end it. Just wanted to wish you the good luck again. But wanted to suggest you to proceed in a systematic way , by treating it as your own project. Not to expect success in a very short term. Make it a planned project using several means/tools available for social projects and get expert help for every corner including

May be few tools are :

1) RTI

2) Ground Level Working Group Creation

3) Publicity Campaigns

4) Non-violent non-cooperation movements

5) Lobbying using influencial local guys (Beware they will work only for their benifit.)

6) itself - Probably give you lots of ideas, approach, solutions etc

7) Election time tricks - you have to device some :)

Also have a loose timelines, nothing works fast and accurate in Bangalore (or anywhere) as expected. I guess it would take at least a year or two see some visible effect if your project goes well.

Not easy, but dreamable ! Like we dreamt for disciplined driving...

Someone said "Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it." 

" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
safina's picture


179 users have liked.

Men Will Always Be Men  losers everyone is running away

The simplest thing i do is always go with my dad and the thing of  local community does not work as once we all complained  to Mrs.Pramila Nesargi who is also the charmain of our college development commitee she asked all of us to vote for her and she will solve our problems then.   he he he he         typical politician.

The best people who help us are the small kids in the area who play "chor chand" and accedently hit the strangers who annoy or bother us.

Dont talk big things,do simple and small practical things and solve the issue.To make the buses disappear play cricket with the  leather ball ;)

Is there no option to delete your id from ? i am happy with FB

idontspam's picture

 College education is going

210 users have liked.

 College education is going to dogs I say. 

arfath80's picture

dispensary road in kalasipalyam

185 users have liked.

dear imran the road where in your residence is there i think is more commercialised than residential. there are 2 governement office functioning , more than 20 auto repairs are carried out, one private hospital and 5 lodges with more than 20 private transporters offices. and you call that a residential area. there might be hardly 10 residential houses in the whole street. for you to make that a residential street you will have to remove all this people and affect more than 100 families. which one is better

arfath80's picture


190 users have liked.

why only target geepee travels. when the whole area is commercialised. you have to check with the growth of the city rather than targetting one individual.

imran_huq17's picture

Re : Targetting

219 users have liked.

I am not sure if you have read the entire post....

The reason i have targetted GEEPEE travels is because they are my immediate neighbors and they are causing nuisance to me and they are not even humble....and personally it affects me the most.They are really rude and arrogant if you try to even talk to them is the simple reason.I am sure you will react in the same way if i come and park myself in your house when you are not at home.

The existence of the private hospital is perfectly OK i guess but i wonder how these lodges have come up and how BBMP has permitted them..........????

As per BBMP this road is a residential road and not a commercial road i am just stating the facts as per BBMP so you must question BBMP and not me.....I as a citizen of the city and as a affected person am trying to share my distress.

Yes the Area is commercialised but it does not mean that there is no law and people can act according to their whims and fancies.....if there is a NO PARKING board in a commercial area does it have a different meaning.............     A bus carrying passengers should not carry load ..........whichever part of the county be it............?????

Not only is this applicable for 1 travels but for everyone...we have to start why not here.......?????

for you to make that a residential street you will have to remove all this people and affect more than 100 families.       - - What are you trying to say.........???

I am not saying anything all that i am saying is people should carry out their business in  a responsible and respectable  Legal way.

looks like you feel that i am making an unreasonable demand.............If you have any further questions do let me know............!!!!!!!



arfath80's picture


203 users have liked.

dear imran

                      i do agree with you on certain issues as parking and carrying out business in a responsible manner.  but from where did you get that i vehicle carrying passengers should not carry load. as per the specfications of the body builders there will be a maximum load specfied for various vehicles which is not going to harm any one. but over loading i do agree is harmfull for passengers but there is a specfication from every manufacturer as to how much load the vehicle can carry. volvo makes its luggage space bellow the belly which can with stand load upto 5 tons. hope so that clears your misconception. i guess there are salem travels parking , omer travels parking and many more such people who own land in that road and carry on business from that street.

imran_huq17's picture


202 users have liked.

Dude....Please look at the pictures i have posted you can clearly see what LOAD i am talking about.I am in no way mentioning about the passenger luggage which is kept in the luggage space of the belly of the bus .

Please see the 2nd and the 4th picture i have posted and if you think this is passenger luggage i would suggest that you can stand in the evening at these places and find out yourself what it is.........???

I absolutely have no misconceptions if you want more clarity please refer the Motor Vehicle Act.

I am not really sure what is the point you are trying to make ...There is no issue that the transport people owning a place and operarting an office but it is definetly not a reasonable thing to disturb neighbours and PARK VEHICLES IN FRONT OF OTHER'S HOUSE.As you can see in picture 3 they have parked the buses on both sides of the road and occupy more than 50% of the road . Are you trying to justify all this..........?????

Please do read this article as well and you can see it is just not about 1 road but all adjacent roads and not just a few travels but most of the travels.

You seem to suggest that we have to live with this nonsense .....but  sorry....i will not......and i hope i have clarified you enough......good luck and god bless u.



arfath80's picture


184 users have liked.
Dear imran i was after your case with that geepee travels the one you had problem with . i just checked it with the BBMP people they say that the road was converted to a commercial road even before the lodge or that transporters office coming up. they tell that all the lodges in that area are commercial plan lodges and the long due residential area tag was removed way back in 2008. So before making all this fuss you should have crossed checked with the BBMP. i strongly feel you targetted the individual for your personal gains. because your building has more than four shops let out for commercial business. how can one let out a nice residential area to those auto repairing agents who carry out their operations on a road and then tell every one that it is a residential area. i strongly feel that you targetted the people for your personal gains. because if you woudint have there would be no commercial shops in your own building and call it a resedential to others.
arfath80's picture

change your stay

203 users have liked.

i told you long time ago it self that the area is commercial. now after checking with the BBMP records almost 90 % of that road is commercial and hardly some 10 houses represent residential. so does it not make common sense to move to a residential area rather than asking those 90% of the people to move so that you can retain the area is residential. BBMP COMMERCIALISED THE ENTIRE OAD IN 2008. PLEASE CROSS CHECK BEFORE MAKING ALLEGATIONS. GOD BLESS YOU THIS TIME CAUSE I WAS ON YOUR SIDE WHEN I READ YOUR HUMBLE STORY IN THE STARTING but now defenately feel you seem to be on the wrong side of the law, and just blame others for the commercialisation. comment guidelines

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