Okay then. Time now to test ourselves, and the theory, that with a bigger pool (1000+ now) of members, we will have correspondingly bigger numbers for on-ground activities. Let us start our first "working group" (or WG) on Praja. Taking the window of opportunity offered by Mr Tripathy, and well aware that the subject is most popular thus far, the first WG will be on Public Transport. Before forming this group, let us figure out this generic concept of WG:
- WG's objective - Connect Praja members with happenings on public transport front. Take suggestions or reviews to 'them', get 'their' messages and communications to Praja.
- Essentially, each WG will be the face of Praja in interactions with organizations relevant to WG's theme.
- In return for the "privilege" of representing Praja members, WG members will have following responsibilities
- Transparency - log all work and talking you do. Praja.in website will provide tools so that WG's actions can easily be logged (by WG) and tracked (by rest of the members).
- Absolutely no ranting or personal attacks. Be either constructive or informative, or keep out.
- Democratic workings - do what majority wants. First, pick action items popular amongst on the website. Next, from this list, pick majority opinion within WG.
- No permanent members - Once you stop attending meetings or participating, you should vacate your spot.
- Last, track related news and developments (keep posting here). But this aspect will need help from all.
- Size: 10 (just a number to start with, lets see the interest first)
- How does the WG get formed?
- Right now: Nominate members based on their level of enthusiasm on the site so far. Long time members, who have been posting constructively on the subject, and have shown inclination for on-ground action, they get the first shot.
- Later: Some established "experts" via nomination, but rest are picked via an online "election" on the site. Basically, it should be like this - do the opinion building o the site, build your credibility on the site, and then you get nominated or elected to a WG in line with your passion.
We will perfect this WG concept as we go along. But post your comments and feedback to this proposal. Once the members are okay with the proposal on structure and workings of Praja WG, we will get going with organized action on the ground.
And BTW, if there isn't enough interest and commitment, no sweat, and no worries :) We will try this again a bit later once we get bigger and broader. Remember, our motto is "Collaborative Activism", and our strength comes from transparent and democratic setup wherever and as much as possible.
Sounds Good to me.
I would like to be counted in, if that can be done. Looking at how lately ive joined here and my contributions being so few, I guess i have to wait, which I can and I will.
Three Cheers
Working Groups - A Great Idea
Admin - this is a great idea as it does not bind certain people to a group or group/s. It is designed quite flexibly as some of us might have a lot of time during some phase, but might not be able to participate at other times - others interested can involve themselves at these times. Also, if some are unable to devote a lot of time, but are interested in contributing - even this is possible ! Congrats & I wholeheartedly welcome this initiative.
I take this opportunity to share some thoughts - since this first group is for public transport --- the majority in this country, particularly in this city, & most particularly on this site --
Since most of us are car &/or two-wheeler users, the outlook must generally be to work towards the larger benefits of the public & improvements toward common welfare, generally aimed to tackle the interests of all economic groups, & never for the benefit of certain sections. I am sure most of us are aware of this & would like to contribute accordingly, but somehow, perhaps absent-mindedly, we end up 'seeing' problems that effect only us & tend to forget the bigger issues that effect other groups of citizens. I am convinced that this is the only path to make this a success - & a huge success it would be if we work along these lines, if all of us somehow 'wriggle' & force ourselves out of this mould.
All sucess to Praja !!
Public transport WG
A lot of tax-payers money is being spent on infrastructure which may not be very inclusive of all sections of users, focus is required to develop common-use infrastructure where necessary and limiterd use infrastructure where pragmatic.
This WG is a great idea to bring to the fore in a democratic fashion to the maximum benefit of Bangaloreans.
What is BMTC's expectations from Praja ?
Admin and others,
Please accept my well wishes and congratulations for taking up the "NEXT" step for de-congesting B'lore Roads. My services (off-site/Off-shore) are always availabe for "Namma Ouru".
I think before we dwell on what things we take up with BMTC, it would be prudent to know what is the expectation of BMTC from Praja? What help BMTC is looking for? Morever lets get a list of things/projects that BMTC would be introducing/implementing in near future. That projects might need a re-look from User/customer prespective which seems to be lacking all public transport system in the country.
To me at this moment, if bus service to BIA can be made more efficient and reliable, that would be a great help to people. Since this is a new service, teething problems can be solved easily before it takes the same old track of other BMTC services.
Syed, key is to get started
Want to say that off-shore help is very much possible here. It could be that WG requires thorough review and feedback on some document. It could be some graphics required for a presentation. Could be some geeky Internet search driven research. Could be "go contact this prof in this US Univ for an opinion". Etc. etc, sky is the limit.
But, let us not look ahead to the goals, key is to start engaging with 'them'. Let us then assess what can be achieved via these engagements with positive intent. May fail, may work well, but regardless, we will have the satisfaction of trying. With time, we will ourselves realize what value we can bring to BMTC etc. It could be "collective wisdom", or could be some real "feedback from the ground".
First test for us is to prove that this Internet based collaborative model can give us a "democratic virtual group" that can do meaningfully activities on-ground (in this case, and right now, BMTC). Let us surprise BMTC with our commitment and geeky awareness levels first.
But, yes. we need the list of things we think we can work with them on. Mr Tripathy said give me 10 things that interest your group and you think you can help us on. 10 is a bit much was our response, let us start with 3 or 4. Let us form the WG, and then let WG make this list.
oh ok!
Count me in - BMTC WG !
Count me in.
I am in too
Count me in
WG - only some can be remote.
Can't have all online people in WG, or else the purpose will be defeated. A few (2-3 out of 10) can be remote. Remote folks will provide help with preparation or research work for on-ground activities.
Waiting for comments/responses from more folks.
Remote help and Transport Engg. Interns
I belong to the "remote" category, let me know if you have any openings.
I can help you with comparitive research on transport engineering and inclusive development with a global view. I have been posting on this subject on Praja.
Maybe you should get some Summer interns doing transport engineering from BMS Coll of Engg and RVCE, if they are excited about working onsite at the BMTC office.
WG - support on ground
Being a car user willing to migrate to public transport i would like to be involved on meeting/discussing bit with BMTC on ground.
-- Praveen Sundaram AkA PhotoYogi
-- PhotoYogi
WG - on ground support
I am willing to spend 3 days a month on this. I can let you know at the beginning of each month the schedule, when I fix my travel schedule for the month.
I am willing to vacate my spot if I cannot meet my commitment.
Drive safe. It is not just the car maker which can recall its product.
Working items for WG
Where do we enslist items defined for the WG and how are suggestions going to be handled?
Regardless of whether I am in the WG or not, I am passionate about some topics which are directly or indidrectly controllable by BMTC, for ex this comment of mine in another thread: http://bangalore.praja.in/bangalore/discuss/2008/05/bbmp-hurdle-bmtc#comment-4867
Change of government and BMTC
Will there be any upheavals in BMTC post the BJP government? It is the order of the day. If this happens then we have to build bridges with the new person.
Mr. Tripathy might move to some other place within Bangalore. So the bridges built with him need not be lost.
Some ideas for the "engagement" with BMTC
a. Improved routing of Suvarna (early win item)
b. Integration of BMTC with Namma Metro (long term - but work should start now).
d. BIAL services improvement (early win item). This is something that can show the way on how even the upper middle class (car owners) can migrate to public transport if given the right level of service.
e. Bus stop locations.
f. Better coverage in residential areas. Each of us lives in different places. We know the gaps in coverage. This is something we can highlight.
Drive safe. It is not just the car maker which can recall its product.
Great idea
You can definitely count me in..i am new, so , i may have to wait for my turn as and when it happens...I definitely would like to do something constructive..
Hai You can also count me in
You can also count me in for the Working Group as I had stated earlier.
My interests would be road infrastructure, schooling & civic planning
Srinath Heragu
Off site help
LIke to Join
Place to log our "Wish" list?
I am fairly new to this group and so, please be considerate and show me the way, if this was already discussed.
I think we should start collecting the "Wish list" .
I moved to this city recently. (20 days back) and have been trying to find transportation from Sun City to Banashankari. These are some of the things that I would like to see..
1. A good website, with good navigation and latest information. (The web site is a OK and can improve a lot.) For example, I was searching for buses from Bellundur Gate to Banashankari and it doesn't list any buses. It directs me to go to the three main bus stations and then take a bus to Banashankari, where as a bus 500A goes right through Bellandur Gate to Banashankari.
2. Bus numbers, origin and destination and lighting around it need to improve a lot.
3. Maps associated with the schedules on the web site.
4. About 20 years back, BTS had a schedule booklet and I used to use it religiousely to plan my trips around the city. I couldn't find any information about the schedule booklet on the web site. If they do have a booklet, atleast advertise that on the web site.
5. The final aim of the service should be to serve un-informed and we have long way to go to acheive that.
Hopefully, this is the first step in that direction.
Form a Core Group !
SB and others,
You should start with forming a core work group on BMTC initiative. One way to form that group could be:
Depending upon the need, form support groups from members who are based in Bangalore and who can volunteer some time every month.
Online help will always be available from larger praja members.
Since I am not preview to the first meeting with BMTC, it is hard to guess the nature of help BMTC is looking for. If I can get the specifics, I can help write a simple working group process document for further review and finalization.
Let me know if you would like to go this path.
Start the initiative !
SB and others,
It is easier for people like me who are sitting miles away from Banglaore to advise/suggest poeple like you to do something. Currently I don't have any choice other than this. For past 10 years in US, I have worked on many initaitives aimed at local community. Best thing to do something is to start the initiative if enough voices endorses the idea. Even if you are only one person to take the lead, it is worth taking a One-Man initiative. As things will turn out good/bad, more will follow if they see some tangible rasults and benefits.
Therefore my sincere request to you all is to start the initiative and don't wait for that magic number '10'. Do what you can. It is thousands time worth than doing nothing.
Had the please of riding a bus today..
It was great riding 500A from Sun City area to Banashankari.
A few more things to add to the wish list..
1. The excitement of seeing your bus and guessing if that bus will stop for you and where it will stop hasn't changed since 1991. I had to run around another bus to catch mine.
So, I wish the bus drivers don't overtake an already stopped bus to reach the bus stop. This creates havoc to the elderly and women, especially in rush hour traffic.
2. Bus numbers display in the bus stop. This will improve the communication between the end consumer and the corporation.
3. As suggested by Mr.Srivathsa, a google map or a mapquest with all the bus stops will be great.
web services
Thanks for the comments and suggestions
Posting this to let all know that we have been reading all the comments and suggestions here, as well as over the emails that some of you have sent.
We are pretty serious about getting our first WG going. The key point here is to create an Internet/social-networking driven process that will halp make this concept scale and survive, and make every Praja member feel 'connected' and aware.
Its our fault that this announcement mixed up two things - details of what the first WG (public transport) will do, and discussion on the concent of WG as described above. We know we have the numbers to get the Pub_Trans WG started (folks have expressed interest here, and on other threads and emails in past).
So please stay tuned while we do some background work and assimilate all input received on the subject. And as should be well known by now, suggestions are always welcome.
Please count me in
First of all, Its THUMBS-UP to Praja for this initiative.
Undisputably, BMTC is gathering maximum attention at 'Praja' as it looks like the only potential saviour to provide some quick relief to the transportation woes of bengaluru. Incidentally it has been my prime area of interest at 'Praja'. The discussion threads are a repository of some great practical ideas
I can help the proposed WG by rendering offline help of any sort(ppts, reports, documentation,etc...) which can reinforce or project the ideas generated in this portal. I look forward to contribute in areas like-
-Rationalization (or call it simplification) of bus routes
-Integration of feeder services and last mile connectivity issues
-BRTS implementation
-Planning dedicated services to Companies and educational institutions
-Fleet management, operational economics, optimal fleet utilization,
-Passenger Amenities
-Customer feedback
-Bus body design, ergonomics and interiors
-Anything on the infrastructure front.
It is very heartening to see the enthusiasm of Praja members to seize this oppurtunity and get the maximum out of it. Together we can! All the best
Working Group: Let's start working on low hanging fruits also
Thanks for planning to start this. Please count me in. I am sure you will have more volunteers than the proposed number - 10. And I hope that is not just in the beginning, but most will continue till we get concrete results. But then, the issues are so vast and complex that more and more "working" members shold be always welcome.
Apart from focussing on strategies aspects, we should start working on some low hanging fruits also which will make clear difference in next 4-6 months.
Sanjay Chitnis
A few more suggestions..
A couple more suggestions
Forst Working Groups - is this alive?
I have not heard any update on this? Is this initiative still alive ot has any hope to become operational?
We are around, and its very much alive
Expect some interesting updates soon. We have had a lot of sensible and practical inputs on this subject, and due to recent shuffles at BMTC etc, some work needs to be redone.
We promise a solid update post in a week's time, not just about WGs, but about some more new things at Praja. Stay tuned.
As a transport planner
As i am new to ths .Let me get in. Let me get counted wth u all as woman. give me chance so tht it will be help ful .hope i will be counted .
thank u .
Hey, wait a minute... I am also coming.
Praja Admin ... Wonderful Concept and way to go.
- Yeh to honaa hee tha...
Request: WG is OK and please do not restrict it to those who travel by bus only.. let others who are ready to shift over to BMTC mode of travel may also be welcomed.
.. suppose somebody adds P for Praja...before WG ???!!! My God, we will be branded as PWG ?
I will be online in Heritage City of Mysoru and Offline in Namma Bengaluru. My contributions in the following threads have some bearing on this subject. Have a look ...
- Vasanthkumar Mysoremath
Concept of projects
Wanted to leave a comment on this old post for some sort of closure. The working Group concent has evolved to the idea of projects.
Any set of Praja members can get together to start a "project". with time and usage observation, more features will be added to enable 'working groups' on Praja via these projects.
We are watching, learning and evolving.