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August 2014

Idu Public Placu-Nimmappandalla - How do we spend on neighbor's dream - PART 2

I presume you have read part 1.


PS : Meaning of Title . Idu public placu nimmappandalla means,this is public place, not of your dad !

Car Pooling - A retrospection

Why not me doing car pool? I question myself.  Following points came out. But no solution. So I dont do car pooling.. Do you have solutions? Please comment :)


1. Not flexible : I have to wait for my car pool partners, and vice versa.

2. Not regular : My pool partner not at all regular.

Wilber Smith Report on Bangalore Mobility Indicator 2008, what about 2011 report ???

Wilbersmith Report of 2008 on Bangalore Mobility Indicator 2008 for DULT submitted in April2009

Has any one know about 2011 Willbersmith Report ???

BBMP Public Notice on the clearing Foot paths

Citizens please cooperate on this 





Cycles on KSRTC bus!

There is a frequent question on how to take cycles on KSRTC bus. Ofcourse it is quite a task to carry cycles on express and other service bus because they need to be loaded onto the roof of the bus.

However its a breeze to put cycles into volvo bus. But a frequent question is what is the cost of transportation. Some conductors play traunt, charging bribe etc

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