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Good response to Karnataka's Mega PPP on Roads

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In this round-up report today ("States pip NHAI in PPP road projects"), Biz-standard reporter Anirban Chowdhury has updates on Karnataka's mega PPP initiative to improve state's highways.

Key snippets:

  • 30 companies ... have shown interest in the pre-bid meeting held on Saturday
  • The Karnataka highway project also has goodies ... not offered by the NHAI. “... award of land pockets to the developer to set up roadside amenities ... a source of ancillary revenue to the company,”...

However, no details anywhere on the 22000 Km stretch of roads that we can look up. Not even on the KRDCL website that I could find. Wish there was a map available marking out all sections that have been put up for grabs.


silkboard's picture

Arvind Jadhav moves to Center

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Read this morning that Mr Arvind Jadhav who is currently Karnataka's principal secretary (infrastructure) is going to move to center as the new chairman of Air India.

From what I gathered, Mr Jadhav's department was overseeing Karnataka's mega PPP project to improve state's highways. Any chance that this change in operational leadership is going to slow that project down?

Either way, updates are long due on this ambitious project. Elections are over in the state, hope we will hear some words soon.

sarvagna's picture

Any updates on this

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Any updates on this project.Seems like the project has gone to cold storage.

n's picture

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