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kizarmd786's picture


Dear Prajayists,

We have been discussing for quite some time  the plight of the farmers whose pieces of agriculture land were acquired in the year 2005 for the formation of  Peripheral Ring Road in Bangalore. It is reported in IBN Live dated 11-01-2012 that siege laid by 300 farmers along with their livestocks had brought the Government to the negotiating table. Negotiation is scheduled to take place on 19-01-2012.  It is a wonder how the Government could be callous about the plight of the farmers  for about 7 years without either paying  compensation or permitting  them to till the land under acquistion. We have to appreciate the services rendered by Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha (KRRS) and Hasiru Sene, Peripheral Ring Road Horata Samiti and Samata Sainik Dal (SSD).

Our special kudos to  KRRS leader Sri. Kodihalli Chandrashekhar and SSD leader Sri. Venkataswamy. We wish that they succeed in achieving  their objectives of getting reasonable compensations for the suffering farmers.

It is to be remembered that formation  of PRR is for  public convenience and the Government could have settled the matter by giving reasonable compensation to the farmers  at least in Installments. Further, many of the land losers have agreed to take TDR (Transferable Development Rights) Certificate instead of monetary compensations. This way the Government need to pay monetary compensations only to 60% of the land losers/ farmers. If they further highlight the TDR Scheme many more would be willing to take TDR thus reducing the burden on the State excequer.  After all,  the Government need not spend any money for the formation of PRR as the investment is made by the Construction companies like L & T, GMR, Nagarjuna, Reliance , Maducon and a few more  on BOOT  (Build,Own, Operate and Transfer) basis. It is to be noted that the Litigations could have been solved in a reasonable time if the Advocates representing BDA & the Government had properly highlighted the necessity of the formation of PRR as  the Honourable Courts are very understanding these days the necessity of public convenience. For example in the latest litigation one of  the Honourable Justices of the Karnataka High Court had stated that the BDA  should leave the formation of Roads like PRR to the NHAI ( National Highways Authority of India) there was no news about the defence of the Advocates of the BDA that the NHAI had refused to form PRR as it was a 100 Meter wide road and the NHAI is competent to form only roads upto 60 meters width. 

Further, it is to be noted  that the  Government is very prompt in announcing compensation for the pieces of land acquired for forming housing lay outs.  But, drag their feet over the compensation payable to the owners of the land who part with their livelihood in the larger interest of the society for forming Roads. Already it is reported that Bangalore tops the list of the Best Places to live in Asia. It will be a feather in the cap of the Administratiors of Bangalore if a prestigious road like PRR, at least Phase I, is formed.

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