This is my initiative to understand the current state of all lakes in bangalore. I think this year 2010, i will visit each lake and get the photos of them and post in a blog. This we can use it in our future references.
Somehow I feel that the lakes in bangalore are dwindling and I am not doing anything about it. This is my attempt towards it.
Prashant Murthy
Cross post here as well, Anatharam sir will join you
Will be good for all if you can cross post your blog entries here. I assume your primary purpose is to highlight lake issues, and not to promote your personal blog. You will find helpful people here, Anatharam sir has already done some work here by taking Google Earth snapshot of 100+ lakes in/around Bangalore.
More will join in in highlighting lake issues via blog posts once you build momentum via 4-5 posts.
BTW, many have left or diluted their personal blogging efforts (myself including myself) to join hands at growing this community website.