This is a book to cover various aspects of water in Bangalore. This will be populated slowly. The goal is to cover the following aspects. An introduction to Bangalore with information on climate, geography, population, rainfall etc. The second chapter will contain some information on government bodies responsible for various water resources in Bangalore The third chapter will cover lakes and othr water boadies. THe fourth chapter will be a geeky analysis section with some ideas and recommendations and finally the fifth chapter will summarize things out. All chapter will contain areferences section detailing the source of information as best as possible.
Anybody interested in helping with this document, please feel free to join up.
response to VKM sir
Dear VKM sir,
(a) All this about BWSSB is available on the net - why reproduce in bits and pieces - ask the prajas to go through the whole history?
I am trying to learn more about BWSSB from various sources - just documenting my learnings. As my understanding becomes better, hopefully, the material will improve in future revisions. Knowledgeable people wishing to contribute with their superior knowledge are welcome to do so.
b) What is the main purpose of post?
At the end of the process, I hope to have a comprehensive source of information about Water availability and supply in Bangalore and learn something myself.
(c) Finally, is the author happy with the water supply - quality and quantity-wise?
I am disgusted with the water supply and management in Bangalore. But this is not a post for venting. I am just trying to compile information at this point.
Thank you.
What is the purpose of this book of gyan?
Author of this post to please clarify -
a) All this about BWSSB is available on the net - why reproduce in bits and pieces - ask the prajas to go through the whole history?
b) What is the main purpose of post?
c) Even if one browses the BWSSB portal and after going through the short write up on Mission Statement and clicks on the 'Achievements' menu in home page, NOTHING POPS UP - Does this mean, BWSSB has no achievements? - I take it that the website is not updated.
d) There are certain interesting non-achievements that I noticed and I have covered them in my article "Why can't we have clean water in Namma Bengaluru" in Newsmag dated 15-30 July 2009 - extract reproduced below:
Quality of water:
According to BWSSB, water samples from different service stations of Bangalore city will be collected at the rate of 16 samples per month from the distribution network, consumer end, public taps, ground level reservoirs and over head tanks and sent to the central water testing laboratory for testing for its potability; water will be tested for physical, chemical and bacteriological characteristics. The results will be intimated to the different service stations as well as to the respective water supply divisions, sub-divisions for their information and for further remedial action.
Reality check:
Apart from distributory network, samples are also collected from bore wells maintained by BWSSB at random and analysed through routine tests including content of nitrate and hardness. If any sample of water is not found to be satisfactory for potable use, the concerned service station will be informed to display a board near to bore well indicating “Water Not Fit For Drinking Purpose”.
Is this random analysis really being conducted? What about the ground water quality that is being drawn by BWSSB itself for supply to consumers?
Has anybody seen such a board near any of the bore wells in the city?
- Finally, is the author happy with the water supply - quality and quantity-wise?
- Vasanthkumar Mysoremath