Urban Research Centre (URC) is a registered society, a non-profit organization – action-researching on decentralization, governance, globalization and environment. Urban Research Centre (URC) is working in the Coastal cities, Mangalore and Udupi towns with Civil society, Corporators (elected representatives) and the Urban local governments on participatory governance.
Urban Research Centre (URC) has undertaken studies on elected representatives of Town panchayath/ Town municipal council/ City municipal council and City corporations and published the study report in 2005. As a follow up, regional trainings have been organized for elected representatives across Karnataka since 2001. URC has also been working at the Ward and City level to bring interventions to strengthen the role of elected representatives.
This training is designed to prepare the aspirants to gain an understanding of their role and how to participate as a Corporator in Corporation affairs. This training covers topics such as Constitution, Democracy, Structure of Government, Urban development department & its organizations, Corporation Act, Election Commission, Right To Information Act, Role of Corporator, How to participate in monthly Corporation Council meetings, How to carry out ward works etc through lectures, group discussions and familiarization games. The participants will be given a kit containing useful reading materials. The registration fee is Rs.750/- (Rupees Seven Fifty only).
Place of training: Library Hall, S.C.M.House, 29, 2nd Cross, C.S.I.Compound, Mission Road, Bangalore–560 027. (Behind Priyadarshini Handlook House).
Time: 9.00am to 4.30pm; Date: 27.1.2010 (Wednesday)
Registration Fees: Rs.750/- (Rupees Seven Hundred Fifty only) for one candidate.
Contact Person: Mr.Gururaja Budhya, Secretary, Urban Research Centre,
Mobile no:94488-49353 or email: urcblr@gmail.com
Postal Address: E-1, Maithree Apartments, 6th Main, 15th Cross, Malleswaram, Bangalore-560 003.
Website: www.urbanresearchcentre.org