Posting on behalf of CSM.
Dear Concerned Citizen:
Centre for Social Markets (CSM) is conducting a citizen consultation in
Bangalore to voice opinions about the issue of climate change. This is part
of a world-wide consultation on the topic to be held on Saturday 26th
September 2009.
(26 September is the World Wide Views day and will be the first ever and
largest citizen consultation of its kind! Thousands of citizens all over the
world will meet and vote about the same questions.)
This is to invite you to participate in this day long event on 26th Sept at
Hotel Chancery from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm. ( lunch and refreshments are taken
care of ) .
The citizen opinions will be collated and combined with data from around the
world live on that day. The results of these consultations will be given to
all the negotiating teams that will be at Copenhagen, Denmark in December
2009 at the Conference of Parties to agree on a global treaty to mitigate
climate change.
CSM is trying to have as diverse a group as possible, therefore
pre-registration is required.
Kindly send in the following details, by 24th, to Sangeeta Mansur from
ManagementNext ( sangeeta@managementnext.com) who is facilitating the event
for CSM.
CSM will respond to you with confirmation.
· Full name
· Gender
· Age (you must be 18 years or older)
· Profession
· Contact number (preferably mobile)
Each individual must submit a separate email application.
Many thanks.