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Screening of the documentary - Water and a City by filmmaker Swati Dandekar
Date: March 6th 2010
Time: 4:30 pm
Centre for Education and Documentation
No. 7, 8th Main , 3rd phase
Domlur 2nd Stage
Bangalore – 560071
Map to CED (PDF)
The Bus Day is an interesting event that presents wonderful opportunity for communities like PRAJA to grab and show case their concern and willingness to take 2 steps forward.
To mark World Water Day this year, a "Rainwater Harvesting Mela" is being organized at Jawahar Bal Bhavan, Cubbon Park on Saturday, March 20, 2010, from 10:00 am to 5 p.m. There will be stalls set up by BWSSB and several rainwater harvesting service providers. You can use this opportunity to clarify the procedures of the new Amendment, and meet the rainwater harvesting service providers, consultants and plumbers. They would be in a position to explain how you could implement rainwater harvesting for your house or building and give you an idea of the cost. We are also expecting some more organisations involved with water management like Central Groundwater Board to have their stalls at the event.
BWSSB is also organising an 'open house' at the nearby Cubbon Park Wastewater treatment plant as part of the event. Citizens can get a tour of the plant to see how the wastewater in the city is made available for reuse, by using advanced treatment technologies.
10:00am - 11:00 am : Inaguration of event by Chairman, BWSSB
Received this via another email subscription. Venue: IISc.
IISC-RCUK Lecture Series
The British Deputy High Commission and the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Invites you to the Centenary Lecture
On Adaptation to Climate Change: Policy, Economics and Governance
Prof. Judith Rees London School of Economics
Prof.P.P.Mujumdar Will be the Chair
Time : 4.00pm Date : 26th March, 2010 Venue: Faculty Hall, Main Building Tea : 5.00pm, Reception Hall
A few of us are meeting on Saturday to kick off and plan the water index project. Details as follows:
Date: Saturday, 3rd April
Time: 11:00 am
Venue: Alliance Francaise
Agenda: Scope of index. Best representation. Parameters to be tracked. Information sources. Partners. Next steps.
Interested Praja members are welcome to join.
P.S.: You can read about the water index idea here.