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1.      Guidelines on regulation and control of mixed traffic in urban areas. IRC:70-1977

2.      Geometric design standards for urban roads in plains. IRC:86-1983

[This document for cross-fall contradicts itself between section 6.2.5 (2.5% to 3%) and section 8.4 (3 to 4%). Ref 4 goes by max of 2.5% and we will go with the former guidance]

3.      Guidelines for pedestrian facilities IRC:103-1988

4.      Accessible bus-stop design guidance

Bus Priority technical team advice note BP1/06, January 2006

Transport of London

5.      Manual for streets

Department of transport

Thomas Telford publishing

6.      Accesscode: a Code of Practice on Access and Mobility

An advisory code reflecting current statutory requirement and best practice within the UK.

      7.  Space standards for roads in urban areas: IRC:69-1977