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The Karnataka Private Medical Establishments Act, 2007

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In the first week of october 09 the rules for karnataka private medical establishment act were notified.  The bill itself was passed in august 2007.  The bill affects every person who undergoes medical treatment in karnataka.   I think this deserves attention as effects everyone from the poor to the rich of our state.

You can find the link to the act here

Some highlights..

1.Schedule of charges to be notified - this means every hospital has have a list of medical treatments provided and their corresponding costs listed like a menu card in a restuarant.


2.Standards :- The private medical establishments have to follows the minimum standards specified by rules notified.  So every citizen will get a minimum assured level of treatment.       

 3.  Obligations of Private Medical Establishments :-administer necessary first aid and take other life saving or stabilising emergency measures in all medico-legal or potentially medico-legal cases such as victims of road accidents, accidental or induced burns or poisoningor criminal assaults and the like which present themselves or are brought before it at the establishment .  This makes sure that nobody is denied treatment in the event of unforseen emergencies.

 I'm looking for a copy of the rules notified for this act, if someone can mine it post it.



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