So it was time to renew my drivers license and most suggestions from folks was 'give it to the local driving school guy, he will do it for a few 100'
But till date I have never spent anything more that what the regular cost for anything related to license and I did not want to do it this time too. So ended up at the Jayanagar RTO(2nd floor of the TTMC) and spend almost half my day, but at the end of it, it was pretty much a smooth process. I would want to mention that even today the Jayanagar RTO provides an apportunity for anyone to get anyting done without touts or paying bribes!
So heres my experience with renewal of my DL today:
- Went on the RTO website http://rto.kar.nic.in/RDL-PROCcss.html
- Downloaded the two forms (renewal application & health declaration) and filled them up and headed to Jayanagar
- Was told to get to Sanjay Gandhi hospital for RMP attestation on the medical test. Doctors in Room 35-42 will do it on the ground floor. Went to room 42 as it had no croud and the doctor there did a simple eye test and filled/signed the form. He asked for a fee and I gave him 50 Rs for the 'services'
- Got back to the RTO and on the steps bought a cloth lined pstal cover with 17 Rs posteal stamp. This costed 25 Rs.
- Went with the paper work to the superintendent(sitting at the left corner of the floor) who verified the papers and asked me to pay 250/-. First I paid 201/- at the cash counter and filled in the chalan details in the form
- Stood in the long queue for a signature from the ARTO, there was a person managing the queue very well shooing the touts away.
- ARTO himeself was doing all antics to present himself as 'Mr Clean'..but he was entertaining touts big time and smartly. However he wasnt delaying the regular queue much. Had to stand for about 45 min there.
- He looked at my papers and said I had not pinned the cover with my original DL into the set of papers and asked me to come again. Went back to the superintendent and got a pin from him and got back to the ARTO
- He signed this time and the joined the queue for the smart card. The line lasted for 30 more min. I had to pay 50/- there as fees. The folks there seemed to be contractors and did a quick job taking my biometrics/signature/picture.
- Got all the papers back to the 'Inward' section next to the superintendent and submitted the papers there and got a receipt
- The renewed smart card is supposed to reach me in 30 days
Besides the forms I had to carry a glue stick, 2 photos, pen and loose change.
So once again it was a no bribe no tout experience at the RTO. I am sure this will be the case for everyone. All that is needed is time and patience.
Request to please try it yourself and suggest to everyone to do it themselves without paying any bribes.
It is very much possible!
received DL by post
received DL by post today..that is in a weeks time itself. Jayanagar RTO has been the best since many years..hope they continue to serve like this for years to come!
My friend has same experience for Vehicle renewal registration
After 15 years of registration, vehicle fitness to be certified by RTO ie at Yesvantpur. My friend did directly without touts.
Only thing, he was asked to come 2nd time to show the vehicle as officer may be expecting some cut. As my friend agreed to come 2nd time, same inspector has to clear during 2nd time without any issue and documents came by Post.
I did myself at Rajajinagar RTO two months back. I am yet to recieve both. they said it will take 6 to 8 weeks.
I find its easy to do. I had two things to be done
1. I lost my original RC book
2. Fitness Certificate
I personally went to the enquiry and jolted down the details required. the person at the counter was so good in giving details i had to ask couple of times as i was not able to match upto his speed.
Since i lost my original RC, had to file a police complaint, they openly asked bribe for taking the complaint (Rs.100) and then notory (Rs.200) and then the actual charges for fitness certificate and Duplicate RC.
totally I spent around 800/- (felt bad that had to bribe at police station otherwise it would have been 700/-)
the agents charge some where 2500/- for this job.
I observed lot of things in the RTO, as mentioned
1.Agents also have to follow the same procedure (as I did)
2.Officers are kind enough, if you hold your patience.
3.One has to request RTO, as they are submerged with files.
So my experience is good and I suggest all the people to take two hours from your so called busy schedule and I promise it will be a welcoming break. you will feel relaxed as you did something different.