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Renewing Driving Licence at Indiranagar RTO (as on 17/Sep/14)

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Private transport

Here is the procedure in detailed steps -


1. Current DL (card or paper or book) in original.
   TIP: take a copy of the DL and keep with you.

2. Form 9 for renewal.

3. Medical Certificate in Form 1/1A (usually it is in back-to-back of the same sheet).
   TIP: these Forms should be available free with the RTO helpdesk official, however, you may buy these for Rs. 2/- each or so, at the stationers                in the RTO office complex. If you buy the forms, expect to see printing / grammatical mistakes.

4. Three PP size photos plus 2 more for affixing on the Forms, one for each.

5. If address change is required -
   A) xerox of any standard address proof like passport, Aadhar Card, bank passbook or latest BSNL/BESCOM bill etc.
   B) A handwritten application requesting for address change. There is no separate Form for this.
   TIP: This application need not be very eloberate - just writing addressing the ARTO, - "I request you to change  my permanent address in my     DL to the address mentioned above..." will do.
   C) Carry the original of the address proof document too, just in case demanded for verification.

6. One 4" x 10" envelope, self-addressed & stamped for Rs.17/-, will do nicely. People usually attach a cloth type, light  bluish-green one which costs Rs.5/-. Hawkers at RTO sell such a stamped envelope for Rs. 30/-. Blank envelope is available with stationers there, if you wish to carry your postal stamps with you.

7. A small polythene cover to put the 3 PP photos and the DL if it is a plastic card. Should cost you Rs. 1/-.
   TIP: you may take along a couple of pins or a stapler and also a gum-stick.



1. Renewal fees - Rs. 250/- if your DL is valid or still within the grace period of 30 days after expiry. This amount includes the fee for smart card.
2. If you are renewing an expired DL, Rs. 50/- for every year after expiry date or part thereof.
3. If address change is required, Rs. 20/-.
4. Fees for MC. Should cost you Rs. 100/-.
   TIP: there is an RTO approved doctor - Dr. LOKESH - there at Indiranagar RTO, sitting in one of the Xerox shops in the  ground floor. He charged me Rs. 100/-. You can pick up your Form 1/1A from him. However, you can get your certificate from any of the doctors from BBMP PHCs, govt. hospitals and the like.
   IMP: make sure the Form 1A part of the from also is filled up. It is essential if DL holder is 40y plus.


1. Fill up the forms, paste the photos, put signature. You need NOT sign over the photos.
2. Get the MC. If you plan to get it from the doctor @ RTO complex, allocate 5 minutes for it. An MC is valid for 6 months or so for that matter. What it means, you can get your MC a few days earlier at your convenience.
3. If address change is needed, get the written application and the xerox of the address proof (sign the copy).
4. Put 3 PP photos and the DL plastic card in the polythene bag.
5. Prepare the envelope - paste stamps and self-address it.
6. Bunch up all these and put a pin. Don't staple yet.

7. Take this bunch to counter 4 in the 2nd floor. The time I went, this counter was manned by a Superintendent. She will   verify the set of documents and note the fees to be paid.
   TIP: I had no need to stand in that very long queue for verification by the ARTO, possibly because the verification
        was done by a Superintendent. Anyway, you better confirm the next steps with the official there.
8. Go to cash counter (room #1) at the other end of the floor. At the time I went there were two counters for the          

   TIP: you better carry 5s and 10s notes with you.
9. After payment, go to the person sitting there in the same room at a table. Get a hologram fixed on the cash-paid receipt.This hologram indicates the fee for photo smart card, without which, you can't get the photo done.
10. Now, you attach BOTH the copies of the receipt to your document bunch.
11. Go to counter 6 (in the same room,where you got your documnets verified). The photography plus biometric is done here. It is quite fast now, the people there got quite adept at the job. I don't think you need wait more than 10 min in the queue. After the session, they don't give any acknowledgement nor make any marking on your document bunch.
    TIP: when you sign on the electronic pad, you can't see you writing and the PC monitor is turned otherway. So, sign with a flourish i.e. in a single movement.
12. Now take the document bunch to counter #5, next to the Superintendent. He will verify the bunch & accept it. He will issue you a small acknowledgement slip and will inform that the new card should reach you after 30 working days, in   the attached self-addressed envelope, under speedpost.
13. The job is done.
14. You now attach the ACK slip with the DL copy and carry with you till you receive the new DL.
    TIP: when you get your card, make sure all the details printed are correct and in case of any defect, IMMEDIATELY approach the RTO office (possibly, the Superintendent at counter #4)    

As you have seen, I spent around Rs. 380/- and about 20 minutes in all. Just out of curiosity, I checked with a Driving School nearby. And they demanded Rs. 1700/-. Now you know......... comment guidelines

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