Please take up the BMTC stage wise fare
I feel it is a totally different style of calculating ticket fares and stages.
I would like to share / explain with an example -
Tin factory to Kasturi Nagar on ORR is Rs 6/- ( for 1KM) next stop which is just 1 km is Ramamurthy Nagar ORR junction is costs Rs 9/- (2 kms) and to Goraguntepalya ( ORR Tumkur Road junction) is costs Rs 21/- ( 18-20 kms).
This fixed stage is wrong, we need to have a moving stage calculation i feel where in for a fixed no of kms a fixed amount should be charged.
Shajit.. As we are aware
Shajit.. As we are aware common man's voice is heard less by BMTC or voice is ignored due to own internal issues of BMTC. So people have joined to creat a forum in facebook
May be the group's voice heard better than individual. All the best
- wgwwd : (w)e (g)et (w)hat (w)e (d)eserve...so look at yourself first
As said earlier, the groups
As said earlier, the groups voice is always heard. Govt. reacts always based on number of people who protest (and how much is damage is done for public property).
The same BMTC while being dumb on feedbacks/inputs help given in a systematic manner, has reacted with official response by bending to public strength show by BBPV mentioned above.
A press release says :
Full report is here
- wgwwd : (w)e (g)et (w)hat (w)e (d)eserve...so look at yourself first
BMTC responding
I had booked a complaint on Rs. 4 tickets for Sr. Citizens not being issued. I got a response as below-
"Your complaint will be looked into"