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Three new flyovers will decongest Sarjapura Road

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Hope this will bring down some traffic problem on ORR.

Commuting on Sarjapura Road is set to become a smooth affair as three flyovers are ready to be inaugurated on the thoroughfare anytime next week. The first flyover is located at Iblur Junction, while the second flyover is at Agara. The third flyover is an extension of the Agara flyover,

Iblur flyover will be a signal-free stretch and it will make the movement of vehicles to Silk Board Junction on Sarjapur Road faster.

Vehicles can now take the main road instead of taking service roads and cross roads and this will also ease the traffic movement towards Koramangala, Sarjapura Road, Marathahalli and Outer Ring Road.

Bangalore Development Authority officials said that there would be some bus lanes and grade-level roads dedicated to the Iblur flyover as it was a part of three-flyover interlink.



silkboard's picture

Sreehari's stats - 50% !?

193 users have liked.

Reading on in the same article, Traffic expert Mr Sreehari is quoted:

MN Sreehari, advisor to the government for traffic, transport and infrastructure, said, “These three flyovers will facilitate the free flow of traffic on the Outer Ring Road. They will reduce traffic congestion by about 50% on Agara-Marathahalli junction stretchand about 60% on the Sarjapura Road.

Wonder whats the basis of the stat. How can 3 flyovers decongest traffic all the way up to Marathahalli? And that too by 50% !? How exactly is traffic congesion and econgestion measured? Can BDA publish some statistics as well. I do think these flyovers will help, but its hightime BDA produced regular statistical reports on congestion and de-congestion.

ashok_n's picture

Flyover Stats

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Most likely, an over-zealous reporter would have cooked-up these stats than Mr. Sreehari telling this.

In another news story, in the "Bangalore Mirror" about the same flyovers, the time taken to travel from M'halli to Silkboard was predicted to reduce from 40 mins to 20 mins. So if two flyovers can reduce travel time by 20 mins, then when rest of the three ORR flyovers come up the time taken should reduce to 0 mins !!

Btw, these are only two flyovers. Just because they have built they have separated the 6-lanes of the Agara flyover into two sections, they call it as two flyovers. Lies, damned lies and statistics ;-) !! comment guidelines

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