Today's DH says the response to BWSSB's RWH drive has been poor - only 200 out of over 100,000 homes required to install RWH has apparently opted for the BWSSB promoted RWH system.
One reason cited was that house owners were finding the process expensive. Residents' Welfare Associations have sought Bank loan facilities.
I was wondering whether BWSSB could not pay for these installations - at least for the older, already existing buildings? After all on paying betterment charges, BWSSB provides Cauvery Water Pipeline and Sewage pipes. Why cant RWH system installation also be treated as part of betterment charges?
Just a thought
BWSSB is already broke
Why would they pay for RWH? As already commented upon before, I think BWSSB and the government took a bone headed approach to RWH by mandating compliance.
A better approach would have been to use the carrot first before trying the stick. Publicize, publicize, publicize in innovative ways. Talk about the bleak water situation incessantly. Organize contests, give small rewards to good implementations.
The other major short coming is that the trained workforce for doing these implementations does not seem to exist. There are many, many possible approaches and some experimentation would be required to get public acceptance, but eminently do-able.