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Confederation of Indian Industries [CII] conference at Lalith Ashok

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The day long conference started with the welcome address by Mr. L Krishnan, Chairman CII Karnataka State Council. The irony of rapid urbanization according to him was that we expect different results with identical actions. The vehicles to people ratio has increased rapidly which is holding the environment to ransom. Some disturbing news does make us sit up and think.

  • Hyderabad has no ground water
  • Solid waste segregation at source is not happening
  • Entry level employees dream of owning apartment
  • Serious Power shortage

In short the economic boom creates its own challenges.


Picture 1 Lalith Ashok Conference Hall

For the inaugural session, the following were on the dais.

1.      Mr. Anil Menon President Globalization and Smart connected communities

2.      Mr. Kris Gopalakrishnan. President Designate, CII & Executive Co Chairman Infosys Ltd.

3.      Mr. CS Kedar IAS Chairman KUIDFC

4.      K Ramesh

Many challenges at big scale are.

  1. Tweets a billion a week
  2. Video based  social media
  3. Power consumption by the social media
  4. Telemedicine
  5. Both People and machines on the net
  6. Automation of cars and machines


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TOI report

215 users have liked.

For the full TOI report Click here

silkboard's picture

thank you sir

256 users have liked.

thanks PSA sir for attending and sharing your report. But seems like you have not published your full notes - only part of it!?

psaram42's picture

Inaugural Session

217 users have liked.

L Krishnan, Chairman CII, Karnataka State council

  1. Rapid urbanization
  2. Keep doing same but expect different results
  3. Sub 10 lakh  population 40 L vehicles

Mr. Anil Menon, President, Globalization & smart+connected communities CISCO systems.

  1. CISCO has two roles to play.
  2. Emerging countries Challenges are not unique but the scale is enormous.
  3. Money of the order of Trillion Dollars is involved. Which is dramatically different
  4. Information Technology enables extraordinary global view.
  5. CISCO has attempted to give an integrated platform. 70% energy.
  6. Future will be Video based
  7. Internet of every thing People to machines. Machine to machine.
  8. Stress towards Automation  like in parking

Mr. Kris Gopalkrishnan President Designate, CII & Executive Co Chairman Infosys Ltd.

  1. Bangalore as a global city occupies a special position
  2. It is in 10th positions on number of startups
  3. Technology should be part of city solution
  4. Safe, Secure and healthy environment desirable
  5. Vision, leadership, and personal discipline cannot be over emphasized 
  6. Universal involvement
  7. In PPP context all of us are partners
  8. What is my role? What can I do? Should be the attitude
  9. Tender sure with PPP are the new models to engage the citizens
  10. Finally what limits Bangalore should grow?
  11. Satellite towns as growth centers.

Mr. CS Kedar, IAS Chairman KUIDFC

  1. In 1979 major India was in its villages
  2. In 2012 it is urban
  3. He is 2 months old as BDA chairman
  4. 10% area is reserved for parks
  5. All parks have lawns which require more water
  6. He suggests tree parks which require least maintenance
  7. Arkavati layout which is 80 to 100 acres is optimum.
  8. More groups with 80 to 100 acres are desirable for new layouts.
  9. Cities and Towns are Current growth centers
  10. Health data 6 Crore
psaram42's picture

Session 1 Bangalore’s Urban Growth – Trends, Patterns and Future

204 users have liked.

Chairman Dr. A. Ravindra, IAS(Rtd), Advisor to Honrable CM Karnataka

  1. Three aspects of growth in Demographic, Physical and economic
  2. High growth in Demographic and municipal area.
  3. Bangalore contributes about 35% GDP
  4. Infrastructure, governance and quality of life are the issues

Dr. Ashwin Mahesh, Center for public Policy, IIM Bangalore

  1. What are the key challenges and how to tackle them
  2. The current influx is around 800 new people moving  in to Bangalore each day
  3. The quality and interface of the three layers in governance viz central, Local and Municipal. Are they working together?
  4. Departmental silos, Scale pilots and mechanisms to get right results are the issues
  5. The more the change more static we are
  6. Land use planning in doldrums?
  7. Close BDA in current avatar
  8. Stress on Infrastructure development
  9. Economic development
  10. Trade office to be setup
  11. Citizen participation
  12. Mayor to have more term than existing
  13. Introduce BMRG / MPC bill in assembly
  14. Work with data
  15. Bangalore Lake project
  16. Land fill site proposal up to 750 Tons easily?
  17. Industry cluster analysis
  18. Capacity Document
  19. Inter city competition
  20. Real time traffic management system 2007
  21. Directing utilities only on 14 arterial routes
  22. Separate Foot path budget
  23. Metro depends on foot path
  24. Private money in Vittal Mallya road
  25. Cycling in IISc
  26. Commuter Rail around Bangalore
  27. Public Managed city
  28. Increase number of problem solving people


psaram42's picture

Session 1 Continued

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Mr. Angshik Chaudhuri, Director Operations & Chief of Staff, Smart+Connected Communities, CISCO Systems

  1. 6 billion cell-phones
  2. Tooth brush is more difficult to find than a cell phone
  3. Information and communication Technology [ICT]
  4. Print Media is loosing
  5. Clumsy Film gone with digital cameras
  6. Video based management
  7. CISCO Systems deals with video critical components
  8. Moving to more clouds
  9. Innovation explosion
  10. A shift from Locomotives to genomes
  11. Internet of things
  12. Industrializations
  13. Smarter Buildings and their management
  14. Smart Security
  15. 500 million connected devices
  16. Smarter cars with GPS tracking environment efficiency
  17. Smart Health care
  18. Video access in to metro
  19. Immersive applications
  20. Better access to technology

KS Girish, Local Director, Strategic consulting Jones Lang Lasalle

  1. Key issue in Bangalore is affordable housing
  2. Bangalore is a Tier 1 city in India
  3. Sustainability and inequality are the issues
  4. Competition between cities is happening 
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Session 1 Panel Discussions

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Chairman : Dr. Chandrashekar Hariharan


Mr. Raj Cherubal, Director projects, Chennai City Connect

Mr. S Vishvanath, Advisor, Argham

  1. Map Bore wells dug by informal sector
  2. Map major septic tanks for pollution control
  3. Map informal sector into formal

Mr. Anand Jalakam, COO, Jalakam Solutions Pvt Ltd

  1. Solution on demand
  2. curbing city growth not possible
  3. Ban on bore well not desirable
  4. Demand management
  5. Rain water Harvesting for augmenting the ground water
  6. Waste to energy

Ms Kalpana Kar, Evangelist, Solid Waste Management

  1. Crisis is an opprtunity
  2. Two and half months work on policy
  3. What every citizen needs to do is Segregation at source
  4. Dispose at source
  5. Zero garbage
psaram42's picture

Session 2 Infrastructure, Waste Water, Waste / Sewage Management

205 users have liked.


1 - Mr. Harish Gupta IAS, Managing Director, KUIDFC

Could not attend

2- Mr. Makoto Takano, Head, Procurement, Hitachi Zosen India Pvt Ltd

  1. Hitachi a ship building company started in1st April 1881
  2. It has 48 overseas offices as of now
  3. Waste was being dumped in to rivers earlier
  4. Incineration of waste became mandatory when1 lakh people died due to cholera
  5. 1965 first energy from waste project
  6. 1975 extreme pollution
  7. Closing down Nuclear Power plants
  8. Removal of Dioxin from Incinerators
  9. By 2010 they had 1700 mega watt power
  10. Segregation is mandatory as of now
  11. Sanitary control
  12. Environmental protection
  13. Indian Standard Energy from waste with low pollution is being installed

3 - Mr. Sandeep Pawar, General Manager, JFE Engineeri9ng India Pvt Ltd, 405, A Wing, 215 Atrium, Andheri - Kurla Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400093, Maharashtra, INDIA. TEL :+ 91-22-6692-2224FAX :+ 91-22-6692-2225

  1. Steel Engineering and ship building
  2. Hazeera to Lucknow  Pipe line costing 3000 Crore
  3. Collaboration with Kawasaki Micro electronics
  4. Steel Structures and bridges
  5. Gas pipe line and storage
  6. Industrial Machines
  7. Solar power
  8. Geothermal energy
  9. Waste water treatment / recycling plants
  10.  Capacity for Sewage Water treatment in India is not adequate
  11. Deodorization norms are Inadequate
  12. Energy generation from sludge is possible
  13. Waste water as a resource for Landscaping, Toilet flushing, food crop, Vehicle washing.
  14. Membrane filter technology

4 - Mr. Anand Krishnamurthy, Sr Marketing Manager, GE Water and Process Technologies

Could not attend

5 - Mr. Damandeep Singh, Director, CDP India

  1. Carbon disclosure Project 
  2. Incentive, competition, community and governance
  3. WIPRO Green solution provider Click
  4. Using disclosure to drive competition

6 – Mr. Lalit chugh, Innovative Financing structures in Urban Infra structure

  1. Equity
  2. Debt
  3. Innovative outcome / financing Click
  4. Innovative policy
  5. Innovative Law Schools. Click

7 - Sumeet Shukla Coordinator of Karnataka Urban Sector services. Click

  1. Water Supply
  2. Solid waste
  3. Roads
  4. Civic amenities
  5. Strom water design
  6. Street lighting
  7. Stake holders too many
  8. Investment gap
  9. efficiency gap
  10. Why urban sector is different
  11. Public transport
  12. Personal Vehicle growth is enormous
  13. Mass Transport

Dr. Ashish Verma Expert Urban Transport. Click

  1. Metro BRTS has to be complimentary with policy measures
  2. good parking policy as demand management
  3. Differential parking charges
  4. car free day
  5. Metro stations a KM apart
  6. Cultural / social hubs
  7. TTMC idle useless hubs comment guidelines

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