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Ulsoor Lake Pollution

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The stretch of NH4 running along St Johns Church, Kensington, and Bhaskaran roads joining old Madras road is an interesting stretch to ride. It is a pretty road with constant two way traffic. The ride provides a beautiful view of the Ulsoor Lake on one side, the other side of the road being the TB3 Military area.

Picture – 1 shows a Google map of the Ulsoor Lake. 








Picture-2 shows the entrance to this TB3 military area

 Picture 3 Shows the Inlet of the Storm Water Drain Into the Ulsoor lake 

The above picture shows the Kensigton road which is the extension of the St Johns Church road coming from Kendriya Vidyalaya MEG School in Ulsoor area as seen in the google map abouve Picture 4 shows the entry of sewage in to the Ulsoor Lake.


silkboard's picture

Drain inlet

192 users have liked.

So the north part of the lake is where the dirty part is. Rest of the lake (the south side) looks so clean, I am assuming there is some sort of separation between the dirty northside and the clean part.

psaram42's picture

Some more pictures of the Ulsoor lake side SWD inlet

217 users have liked.

 Picture 1 below shows a view from the lake side of the SWD inlet in discussion. The farm land visible belongs to TB3 Military area, in which the SWD is situated.

Picture 2 shows close-up view of the Strom water drain coming through the background TB3 Military area as seen in picture 1 above. Observe the Green stagnant water.

 It looks like that SWD is blocked at the wall visible in the picture so that any sewage water that may be flowing in the SWD is blocked. With this only if the water level raises above the wall level is discharged in to the Ulsoor lake. This is a commendable idea to be noted. 

Picture 3 below shows a man working at the Sewage Line pit Right inside the SWD at the Entrance location below the Kensington road.


murali772's picture

no STP in the vicinity?

193 users have liked.

The man-hole indicates a sewage line, and if it's not ending in a STP (sewage treatment plant), it means that the sewage is being discharged into the lake, untreated. So, is the army the guilty party, or the BBMP?


Muralidhar Rao
srinidhi's picture

stp...guess there is..

225 users have liked.


Pass thru this place many times a week..see the clearly segregated water towards the kensington road side..the water color itself is different  in the satellite image..they run the treatment here including the fountain..which can be seen working every afternoon at around 5

psaram42's picture

Un-able to go nearer the SWD to examine

213 users have liked.

 The Training Battalion 3 (TB3) area belongs to the Army. Entry is restricted. It would be interesting to visit the place. As pointed by Srinidhi above, the Ulsoor Lake was fully refurbished with clearing of hundreds of lorry loads of muck long back.  More details of the work done and existence of any STP and its operation details would be interesting. 

The picture below shows the (Un-used?) entry point of the TB3 area SWD, which passes through below the Kensington road comment guidelines

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