Yesterday News X TV channel carried the story with footage of big size CFC cables found in the man holes sewage lines. The anchor was trying to color it as a multi crore scam of the same order as the 2G spectrum scam. I was curious to find whether the story would appear in TOI too. However to my surprise I found it in Deccan Herald.
“Guess who was responsible for the clogged sanitary pipeline that allowed sewage to spew out, leaving your street stinking last monsoon? The private optic fiber cable (OFC) laying companies who laid cables inside the sanitary pipelines, choking the flow of sewage, according to the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB).”
The basic problem is that of “the engineering design of the volume of a road”, which needs to be standardized. The Public Works Department is the concerned department. Probably PWD can look for guidance from Cistup IISc I wonder; instead we find different government departments are figuring in the blaming game to divert the issue, to make hay while sun shines!