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BBMP Site needs to be user friendly

225 users have liked.

While complimenting the BBMP for their effort in computerizing their working on to the computer and the web, their web site needs attention urgently. We in PRAJA see our site continuously being upgraded. I am sure any web site meant for public use and interaction cannot be static. We see many government sites not up-to-date in displaying even their own activities and progress. BBMP cannot but afford this luxury, to start with. 

Public web site development is a highly professional job. I have a few suggestions. 

  1. Constant Interaction with the user and site developer team is essential
  2. Bugs need to be identified and removed constantly
  3. Home page design is crucial.
  4. The home page is the one to come up on logging in to BBMP site
  5. Navigation is to be designed with care so that public can comprehend the working of BBMP without any ambiguity
  6. Etc.

Another important aspect I would like to bring to the attention of BBMP is as follows:- 

From age old days the BBMP has the concept of Ward, Ward office streets etc. BBMP in its internal working may be comfortable with this concept of Wards and Ward Offices. It is difficult for general public to learn about the internal working of BBMP and their wards. Of course they know the postal address of their properties. Is it difficult for the BBMP to connect the postal address to the ward street etc. internally by the site code?

The Postal address is above the ward details of a property. It is Unique too. BBMP can include and attach other important details of the owner like PAN Number and Bank account details. In fact one may like to give standing instructions to their bank to pay their property taxes, on demand.

May we request the new Commissioner Mr. Bharat Lal Meena  to give his valuable attention to this important issue of a responsive web site? 



Srivatsava's picture

Un-usable , well almost!!

162 users have liked.

     Well, As PSA-sir says, we must complement the BBMP for trying to comeup with the tax paid details online.

      I do agree that it is a very useful info to have, since it is making public the amount of tax you have paid. If you have not paid the tax completely ( declrae lower area or not declare a tenant), a neighbour of yours can report it to the BBMP.

      Strangely, the webiste is too slow for it to be usable. I looked if the tax paid details of my house were updated ( I have no problem that it was not uploaded :) ),  but  the file took a very long time to download.  I was amazed to notice that a pdf file with about 150 entries 'weighed'  3MB. I looked up for some other layouts - the one for HBR layout with about with 1200-1500 entries is 27 MB large and for a layout in RR Nagar with about 200 entries is 4MB in size.

     I can understand the people in BBMP are not too tech-savvy. But, cant they understand usability in terms of  the time it takes to get the response. I would love to know who provide these services to BBMP, To me it looks like this site is NOT done by NIC. Most NIC maintained sites are much better than the BBMP site.

-Srivatsava V

-Srivatsava V

psaram42's picture

Current Property Tax Payment

167 users have liked.


 It is Property Tax time for the second time in less than 4 months. We have made up for the lost time. Now BBMP tax collection calendar is up to date.

 One gets a feeling that BBMP is come of age. It is now BBMP with an added B to the old BMP. Earlier I used to take the old Property Tax paid receipt which was enough for them to collect the current tax. Now we have to fill up a form by paying Rs 5/-. We need to fill up the details contained in the old receipt on to the form. It took me three trips to the contact center before I succeeded in giving the check. They gave me the hand filled acknowledgement. However the final receipt can only be collected after 10 days.

 I believe it is possible to pay the tax online. However I did not have enough confidence or patience to try

silkboard's picture

dont think you can pay online

177 users have liked.

Are you sure that it is possible to pay property tax online? I don't think so PSA sir.

My property tax experience was positive though. Printed the estimate on website. Then filed up the form via the clear enough instructions. Took one trip to the BBMP office, and the guys there stayed up till late to clear the queue of people.

Leave the property tax thing aside. My biggest issue with BBMP website are

1) Lack of regular updates - want to see a list of all their active projects (aka ward works), rolling details on how they are spending their budgeted amount for the year, status of all current and past tenders.

2) Lack of interactive systems - want to see an online complaints sytem. And also an online RTI application system.

Someday soon.

psaram42's picture

Funds Crunch?

193 users have liked.

 To days TOI is full of the coverage of Mr. Pranab Mukherjee’s union budget. I saw this small item at page 18 of the paper. Good news is:-


Bangalore: The exact figures for the city are yet to be fixed. But with the 87% hike in allocation of funds under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM), and Rs 500 crore hikes for storm-water drainage projects, the city and state can heave a sigh of relief. Click here for the report.


  SB:- We plan to set up a Praja meet with the top brass at Kaveri Bhavan soon. We need to have some details of the BWSSB approach to proper disposal of sewage water. Industrial waste disposal, which could be more harm full is a bigger evil. You might have had a look at my note elsewhere. in PRAJA and about urban planning (Land use) @ PSA. With the google chrome browser which I am using, I have no problem navigating in/out of PRAJA site. What is the general consensus? I wonder. comment guidelines

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