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5-day week can save govt Rs 960 cr pa

179 users have liked.
Rs 960 crore per annum. That's the estimated savings if state government offices across Karnataka switch over to a five-day week. And that savings could be used to construct 30 flyovers, each estimated at Rs 32 crore. The break-up is as follows: the largest single head of expenditure is on power, around 20%. The next big chunk is diesel, 18%, followed by telephone bills, other allowances and miscellaneous expenses. Read more at http://timesofindia.india.... But, far better would be to downsize substantially. Currently, you have 50 departments, 75 PSUs, 60,000 offices, 50,000 schools and hospitals, employing over 9 lakh people, largely unproductively. For more on that, read


Surendra's picture

And what about the cost of

141 users have liked.
And what about the cost of work NOT done on Saturdays? Have they taken that into account while calculating the money saved?


praneshachar's picture

for not working on saturday

129 users have liked.
for not working on saturday they have to compensate by increased working hours any how already they are not working on second saturdays. only thing for some of those it may affect their daily earnings which is not part of their salary!!!!!!! hope you got it. it is worth it enforced across all areas as transport congestion saving in power etc., will be tremendous even after offsetting the movement of people on holidays for outings that may fetch some revenue to govt by way of tourism etc., it is a point to ponder and if someone implements we must welcome it openly. yes for those who are not working on saturdays now they loose opportunity of finishing govt related jobs on their holiday. already central govt. offices barring few works on five day week. essential services customer care activities can always work on 24X7X365 and staff can get off by rotation this should be fair enough
Rithesh's picture

Baseless Calculations

127 users have liked.
It is another attempt by TOI to sensationalize an issue. God knows how they came up with those figures. The leave on Saturday has been compensated by 2 hours of additional work during weekdays. I don't think they will be switching of their phones and electricity in those extra 2 hours. Again they wont work for free - so the allowances and miscellaneous expenses stays. The only thing that they might save is on the diesel bills (that too i am not sure - if you are talking of officials on field work). What ever it is, the idea or 5 day working schedule is good.
murali772's picture

cost of work not done?

140 users have liked.
That's assuming they work at all! Muralidhar Rao
Muralidhar Rao
praneshachar's picture

Though in case of govt the

135 users have liked.
Though in case of govt the usage of vehicles may not completely stop but still it will have an effect. all buses which run to govt. offices i.e to vidhana soudha need not be run. If all industries are made to work for 5 days their transport system need not work so there are lot of things which may add but on other hand the daily bread earner who makes his lively hood depending on these establishments will suffer. but if u look at overall it is better we resort to 5 days and certainly there will be substantial conservation of resources and cut in expenditure. economy may grow because portion of people using the holiday will go out spend. efficiency all is supposed to increase hope things will work for good.
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