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Sincere Regrets and next date.

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Dear Murali and friends,

My sincere regrets for postponing the meeting. I apologize for the inconvenience caused. The law and order situation at Mysore on that day kept me busy. Coming Saturday (11th) is the day for scrutiny of the nominations. Hence we can have the meeting tentatively on 18th (Saturday), and if we miss that, then it is only after the elections.

I feel that we can meet on 18th , provided it is convenient for all of us. Let me also know if you would like to discuss only those issues coming under my purview, or other issues like power supply, transport etc. I would like to have more such interactions are regular intervals. We, at Mysore are also experimenting with an informal 'upper house', like the 'council' at the state level, having the heads of professional and social organisations as members, across the cross section of the society. (from slums organisations to Rotary/Lion). 

Fortunately, the CII, Mysore chapter is fully involved in this, as this 'Upper house' fits their 'stake holder committee' under their 'India@75" programme. We  meet every Saturday at 6pm. If the tempo is maintained, it has the potential to increase the efficiency of the government departments/institutions. I just wanted to share this information with you, to elicit your opinions. It may contribute in refining our 'upper house'. For further information you may contact Shri. Sabreesan, president, CII, Mysore. (will inform his contact once i take his permission for the same)




murali772's picture

fully appreciate

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Fully appreciate your predicament, Mr Manivannan. We will revert to you about the next date for the meeting.

Rest shifted to

Regards, Muralidhar Rao

Muralidhar Rao
Vasanthkumar Mysoremath's picture

Very good initiative ...

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murali772's picture

civil society to the fore!

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Muralidhar Rao
s_yajaman's picture

Better after the elections?

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Is it better to schedule this after the elections?  Most of us will be traveling from Bangalore.  Given the current enviroment, it is probable that Mr. Manivannan might be again forced to cancel any meeting and that might happen at a very short notice.

This is not an affront to Mr. Manivannan, but a simple recognition of the fact that as the DC of Mysore, election duty or any othe crisis arising out of elections will be his first priority (and rightly so). 




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