Research/ design project on sustainable tranport. calling for volunteers

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Public Transport

As part of the upcoming praja event, mobilicity, scheduled for nov 21, there is a paper being researched, on the following subject:

Indira Nagar as a neighbourhood that has changed dramatically in a short time due to its changed land use in the last CDP, and is an area that will be further shaped in no small way by the incoming Metro.  Indeed, its impact is already unmistakable, from the construction on CMH and 100 Feet Roads and the effect that has on traffic and commerce in the area.  The Metro’s goal of facilitating transport for the entire commuter base – from providing fast transit to workers in city centre to lessening traffic for motorists and bus commuters – will only be achieved by proactively planning for the integration of multiple transportation modes.

This a design paper , that has several aspects and attempts to adress several challenges, and will be interesting to work on. it is  based on a lot of ground research and we are looking for volunteers who can wrok , few hours a week in  november.

As it progresses, we will require volunteers for the further stages. but as of now we need it for field research. we will reimburese expenses incured.

pl contact jenny at:


Count me in

132 users have liked.

 I am interested. I am willing to work for a couple of hours every day during November. I stay in HAL III stage, near the Metro area.  Kindly let me know what I have to do. Call me on 4126-9814 / 96329-65318 comment guidelines

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