Skip to Content Best Social Media Initiative 2010

410 users have liked.
Praja related wins the Best Social Media Initiative of the year award by eGov Magazine. The award was received by Pranav Jha of at a function organized at the Claridges Hotel, New Delhi on 28th October 2010. A very good encouragement to all those who want to use technology to bring about change for the better




idontspam's picture


207 users have liked.

Well deserved indeed 

silkboard's picture

Special thanks to 'drupal'

179 users have liked.

Most Prajagalu would wonder what that cryptic thing is. Drupal is the technology behind praja website. Without a powerful, free (!) and open tool like drupal, a large community site like this wouldn't have been possible.

Thanks to Drupal, this site didn't take millions of dollars to build. Dries Buytaert (creator of Drupal), and thousands of drupal developers around the world, take a bow.

idontspam's picture

Value add

190 users have liked.

Thanks also to all the people who used the technology and added value to it with quality discussions & content and made it a vibrant and dynamic community.

Naveen's picture

Terrific !

194 users have liked.

Great guys ! This is tremendous news !

Congrats to tech & admin, who made this possible.

kbsyed61's picture


188 users have liked.


Indeed this is a proud moment for Praja and the whole Praja community deserves a hearty congratulations. Once again another reason to celebrate the idea of "PRAJA" - Citizen Engagement.

Let us continue the Praja journey by taking up more issues that concerns each one of us, our city, our state and our nation. Let us discuss, argue, counter argue all in the Praja spirit. More work to do.

santsub's picture


187 users have liked.

Congratulations on this Milestone.  

srinidhi's picture about..

199 users have liked.

 getting the award logo and make a display on the landing page..

Srivatsava's picture


171 users have liked.

Congrats to the Praja community on this great recognition!! Special thanks and Congrats to the admin team for all the site improvements. And yes, special thanks to whoever did the nominations!!

Btw, the eIndia website is not yet updated with the awardees list!!

-Srivatsava V

sanjayv's picture

Well deserved

193 users have liked.

 Congratulations!  Very thrilled to read about this award.  Here is to more awards in the future.

pathykv's picture

Heart Warming

183 users have liked.

We have a long way to go.


Sanjeev's picture


206 users have liked.

Congratulations  to all Prajagalu

This is  great recognition for  Praja on the Citizen moment. Special congrats to Admin  to Admin Team for improvemnets on the site. 

Indeed this recogination for Praja in bringing changes to Society  thru  e-governance in differnet fileds.  Long way to go

yantraka's picture

Truly Well Deserved!

191 users have liked.

Way to go!

Vasanth's picture

Wow - Great News

191 users have liked.

 Great News. Congrats SB. Also congrats to Shastri and other Prajas behind the scenes.

ksnandan's picture

 Thats GREAT NEWS ....

212 users have liked.

 Thats GREAT NEWS .... Congratulations 

Transmogrifier's picture

Sweet news indeed

171 users have liked.

A special word of encouragment is also due to the faithful few who put a face to the organization. Great job!



murali772's picture


223 users have liked.

Perhaps this recognition needs to be seen as bestowing us with more responsibilities towards fulfilling our objectives of promoting a more egalitarian society.

Does that sound profound enough? :)))

Muralidhar Rao
anton's picture

Wonderful news! Congrats to

233 users have liked.

Wonderful news! Congrats to all the people who worked so hard on this task. Hope many good things will result from the pursuit of accountability, and that will become an even greater force to reckon with. I'm already so happy with the respect the site has got from the authorities, and the recognition of the good will, energy and resources volunteered by its supporters.

nanda_ramesh's picture


214 users have liked.

That is indeed a wonderful recognition for all the efforts that people have put in to this site. Hope it continues to have success and provokes changes in our society.


Sanjeev's picture

Here on e-Gov result page

205 users have liked.

Under Social Media Usgae ( Jurry Award ) you can see the   in this link

With this,  Praja  can move ahead on the public issues and make great impact on public policies for better society.

Keep the momentum.

murali772's picture

best from out of 45

197 users have liked.

We were selected from out of 45 nominations, by a fairly eminent jury - well, that's something, indeed!

Muralidhar Rao
kbsyed61's picture

4 Cs of Social Media!

199 users have liked.

When Pranav shared the news from Delhi that has won in the category of "Best Social media Initiative", after recovering from the great achievment moments, I started to look for the exact meaning of social media. Came accross a very good written blog by a Georgetown University Research Scholar Mr. Gaurav Mishra. I hope you all will like this blog.

Courtsey - Georgetown University Blogs

Author - Mr. Gaurav Mishra

Weblink -

Gaurav writes "...The 4Cs Social Media Framework

My own approach to social media is both tool-agnostic and terminology-agnostic. So, I use the term social media to encompass all the tools and all the practices that are described by the terms I mentioned above.

Instead of getting distracted by the tools and the terminologies, I focus on the four underlying themes in social media, the 4Cs of social media: Content, Collaboration, Community and Collective Intelligence. Taken together, these four themes constitute the value system of social media. I believe that the tools are transient, the buzzwords will change, but the value system embedded in these 4Cs is here to stay. So, let’s look at these 4Cs in some detail...".

psaram42's picture

Congratulations Pranav

200 users have liked.

 Congratulations Pranav. You deserved it. Hope you will take Praja even higher in its stature.  

silkboard's picture

Thanks, focus has to be on the 4 Cs

209 users have liked.

On behalf of many who have contributed in various ways towards coming this far (award is for all of them - praja!), want to thank all the well wishers for your encouraging words. Its just a small milestone, there is lots to do, and lot more distance to go.

As Syed pointed out via that very relevant image from Gaurav, it really is about those 4 Cs. And on this Praja ecosystem, built around the website, we have the range covered:

  • Content, aka Discussions. Talk is encouraged here, just come and say your thing, as long as you talk some sense about your city. Talk is never belittled on Praja, it is of prime importance as citizen's preferences are understood that way.
  • Community (I place this 2nd, slight difference from Gaurav's picture) - gets built here around ideologies, ideas, or causes.
  • Collaboration - Group think, to evolve suggestions, criticism, or ideas
  • Collective Wisdom, aka output of all of above - Now that we have discussed and understood some issues for over 2 years, more and more projects would show up, where few project members, would knowingly or unknowingly, carry the filtered and summarized wisdom created by the larger community.

To end this lecture-mode comment with an appeal - just get in please, pick your favorite "C", and contribute. Every little contribution matters. A lot many people read this site than write here. Change that ratio please, do what you like, talk, connect, think or do, anything is okay.

Media Release

195 users have liked.

Another media release that I found on the net. Not particularly thrilling but still......

ashok_n's picture


186 users have liked.

Congratulations to the Praja community on this wonderful recognition!! Keep doing the good work even though the rewards may not be timely or enough. I hope I can contribute equally well. comment guidelines

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