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Disproportionate Budget for health care

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Public HealthEverything else

This year parts of India have been devastated by swirling viruses which is spreading across the country.Dengue and Chikun Gunya in particular were predominant in most localities in Bangalore and other Districts as well. Later the dreaded H1 N1 came on the scene which  can spread all over during Winter. Similar strains of H1N1 are likely to hit the Northern Hemisphere which will come to the Southern Hemisphere.

These viruses especially Dengue and chikungunya are directly the negative byproduct of how we live our lives, how hygeine is maintained at all levels and how we dispose off the garbage; In essence how a Public Health Department functions.These affect lives of poorer people in slums, urban poor living in hovels and finally everyone who live in the viccinity.

To tackle the above, large sums have to be budgeted, plans made and implemented with regular monitoring teams.India presently spends just 1% of its GDP on health care , ranks 171 in list of countries and is at the bottom 20% of all countries which gives an idea of  where the problem lies. We seem to be living in the age old tussle - who should manage?- The Centre or State -as 'Health  is a State subject'.Suffice to say, it is the people who suffer till this is resolved.

Large hospitals, super-speciality hospitals cater to a much lower percentage of people suffering from cardiovascular  and neurological diseases. True these are also needed; but  it looks  as if our priorities are topsy-turvy and lop-sided .More money goes to  top of the cone in terms of costly medial equipment, training the manpower and for the upkeep of the eqipment. People at the base suffering from malaria and viruses, though in large numbers hardly get any attention.

This subject has been discussed before; no solution can be found unlesss the prorities change.Health should not be the monopoly of richwoman's disease and  vast majority of poor left to fend for themselves.



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11th five-year plan will double the healthcare outlay

166 users have liked.
I need to validate my sources, but I remember reading that the 11th five-year plan will double the percentage spending on healthcare. I agree with you though; even 2% is abysmally low.

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