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BIAL - Opening Dates

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From BIAL website: - All flights scheduled to depart after 00:01 on 30th March,2008 will operate from the New Bangalore International Airport. - Arrival flights on 29th March, 2008(after 20:00) may land at the New Bangalore International Airport or HAL. Please contact airline. some updates... Runway testing The airport’s four-km runway will be tested for operational conditions in January. Campaign begins BIAL has also started a promotional campaign to announce the new launch date, and advertisements have been shown in the ongoing Bangalore Book Festival at the Palace Grounds. “We want to orient Bangaloreans to March 30, 2008 as the day when the City will have its new international airport. Unconventional locations will be used to spread the message,” the spokesperson said. source: Deccan Herald


santsub's picture

BIAL Opening Dates

Why does BIALAIRPORT website suck?? they dont update anything on the site - especially the pics - hope some one takes a look into this? I have even tried to send a feedback but the form never submits - it has errors! Any thoughts?? comment guidelines

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