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September 2017

Pedestrian issues

An Indian Express reporter called to ask if I could write a 200 page note on pedestrian issues in the city, perhaps since I was part of the PRAJA team that had filed a PIL in this behalf in the High Court (check here, for more on that).

Multi Modal Integration : Metro, Railways, BMTC & Foot paths

As we have seen Ph-1 of Metro open to public without any consideration  for multimodal integration,  other end slowly suburban rail taking traction,  People are using over crowded Metro with poor integration  to change over from one mode of publci transport system to other.

Even we do not have single mobility card for Bangalore urban transport.

Language in Education - How Multilingualism helps

17 Sep 2017 10:00
Pre-schooling today emphasis heavily on English. Is it a good thing ? Are our children better off learning English to the exclusion of their languages ? What is the preferred medium for instruction ?

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