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June 2016

Which Metro Route To Airport Is Better?

No decision has been taken yet for a metro route to airport. As per latest reports, BMRC is keen on the Thannisandra-Bagalur route (past Nagawara) since it saves on distance and since there is pressure to include airport connectivity by metro rail as part of phase-2 itself.

Steel Flyover from Rajbhavan to Hebbal - Political Objectives rules over public Utility

The news about GOK's brazen attempt to go ahead with the 6.7 KM STEEL FLYOVER project connecting Rajbhavan to Hebbal is hogging all the news headlines in past few weeks.. Barring few, everyone from citizens to architects, Urban Planners to Activists are up in arms against this project. But nothing seems to deter the state government from going ahead with the project.

Is this the route to "Smart Bengaluru"?

Mid last week, I received a whatsapp message, from the local community group, stating as below:

Please kind attention !!!!!!!

No Trees for city streets??

Ranganath Swamy, Assistant Conservator of Forests, BBMP Forest Cell, said the existing roads were being constantly used and re-used for infrastructure projects, making trees vulnerable in the city. As a result, saplings can be planted only in “closed spaces” like educational institutions, fenced government premises and clubs. 

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