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December 2012

Outraged? Show your anger in an email to Justice Verma!

It is really sad and depressing to end 2012 and start 2013 with grief, pain and angst. The 23 year old 'Amanat' left us grieving and with a mission to accomplish. The mission was to make our homes, streets, workplaces, public places safe for women and everybody else.

Mysore ITS - Experience to share

I was in Mysore this weekend along with my laptop and Internet Dongle. 1 Month back, Intelligent Transport System, an online tracking of buses was launched in Mysore. Project is called 'Mitra'.

Protest Lodged with PM, CJI on Increasing Crime Against Women!

Enough is Enough !

This is precisely what the whole nation said in past 10 days since the unfortunate horrific incidence of brutal rape in New Delhi. Rightly nation erupted in protest and anger which was displayed on the streets of every city across India.

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