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December 2011

Strong Lokpal, weak judiciary recipe for failure

This debate misses the main reason why the Lokpal is likely to flop. Even if the Lokpal controls the CBI, it will have no control over the courts. These seem incapable of convicting any resourceful person beyond appeals within his or her lifetime. Little will be achieved if the Lokpal initiates a thousand cases that then drag on for decades, with the accused out on bail. - - -

Study - Water Conservation only way forward!

According to, DNA India, a recent study by former senior geologist KC Subhash Chandra and senior geologist GV Hegde with the state department of mines and geology, once again fortifies the fact that 'Water Conservation' is the only way forward for Bengaluru's water ne

Delhi Power Distribution privatisation - a model for all cities to follow?

Linked here is a ppt presentation on the transformation of the Delhi power supply scenario, at least in those parts coming under Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd (TPDDL), over the 8 years since the taking over from the Delhi Vidyut Board (DVB). The information was obtained from TPDDL themselves.

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