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November 2011

Shiradi Ghats dirt track

Some ten days back, I accompanied my brother to Mangalore, in his car, essentially to attend a family function. The drive out of Bangalore, on a Friday afternoon, was fairly smooth, once we were on the elevated expressway. The signages are still not quite proper, leading to our missing the turning to Hassan (onto NH-48) at Nelamangala, and the resulting detour and half hour time wastage.

many questions about UIDAI by Home Minister

IN many ways an open debate was long overdue. But now with salvos fired against UID by the Home Ministry, Planning commission, security analysts jurists and civil society.  Now it is clear that it is patronage that has kept UID alive for so long.

Railways can help Bangalore

Railways can play a great role in taking over Bangalore’s transport.  Yes, take over!  This requires tremendous amount of political will though.

Few steps that can take us towards this are listed below.  As we discuss many more ideas are surely going to emerge.

FDI in retail for Karnataka - I say NO! Can wait.

Retail, FDI - don't stop reading here please, its not as geeky a topic as it sounds. Lets talk our state for a moment. Refer TimesofIndia Bangalore, page 15, "Karnataka industry mostly supports FDI in retail". Refer this, a quote by Mr J Casta:

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