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October 2010

Right to offend

The point of free speech is to cause offence. If nobody is offended by anything that somebody says or writes, then there is no need for a constitutional guarantee of freedom of expression. The reason such a guarantee exists is to protect those who say things that provoke or offend.

Government, BMTC - Do courts needs to tell you?

"The Karnataka High Court on Monday directed the state government to constitute an expert committee to look into the feasibility of implementing the BMTC feeder bus service.

Combined ticketing for 2 buses.

Say i want to go from Banashankari to IIMB. I have to change bus at Jayadeva, so it is two bus journey. If i wait for direct bus it will take too long.

Avenues & Boulevards of Mysore

  • In the wake of MCC going on a road widening blitzkrieg, few of us are meeting the Commissioner of Mysore, few Corporators and couple of Ministers (depending on their availability) between 30 Oct and 1 Nov. 
  • Apart from a reliable public transport, Mysore also needs good engineering minds in the Corporation. Some of the roads have been widened from
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