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May 2010

CRS Project discussion

5 Jun 2010

 This is a meeting to discuss planning & data collection for the report. Project members mandatory. Others interested welcome. RSVP with comments.

When: Saturday June 5th @ 6:30 PM IST

Where: TBD (Possibly on Skype also)

Global Investors Meet - Tier2 cities to get some love?

A friend called from UK recently to tell me that he spotted an ad from Karnataka government about Global Investors Meet 2010 in a prominent daily there. Thats how serious GoK has been about marketing this event taking place next week.

Need - More of Tier 2

Bengaluru has had enough of love. Those Tier-2 cities need all the attention now. No, not talking Hoskote, Bidadi or Devenahalli, talk real tier2, far up central, and further north. More initiatives like Suvarna Karnataka Development Corridor (SKDC - click here) are it.

BMTC New 35th & 36th Bus Depots


I was browsing thru BMTC website & notices they have put Depot No. 35 & 36.  Would anyone know if these depots are operational. I have not heard about the ingauration in newspapers also.

If it is true that the new depots are operation then our Bangalore commuters can breathe in ease for a more comfortable travel. I guess Bangalore will be having the highest inter-city public transport service.


USTDA & BWSSB - how to track their agreement?

How do we track this MoA ? Is it available on Web? What is the locus standi of USTDA to sign this? seems like 20 crores of objectives with which the US TDA will squeeze MUCH more out of Bangalore, despite all the backlash USAID, DFID, cioties Alliance, WB and Janaagraha have got already (see opposition to the GBWASP MoU)

Seems like a major health hazard like Radon gas in Borewell  water also squeezed past all the research till now, while the Palike is still sinking more borewells since the BWSSB is not able to supply enough water.

This kind of unhindered growth is unsustainable and must stop, but we shd slow it down first. The problem started with the 270 mld which came in 2002 Suddenly all felt there was enough water and a boom in construction and that caused the major mismatch in the common resources drawn or available


BWSSB inks pact with USTDA
Bangalore, Sep 26, 2009 DH News Service:

Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) on Friday signed an agreement with United State Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) to undertake Integrated Water Management in the City.

Metro - MG Road Boulevard

 BMRC has uploaded an artists impression of the proposed MG Road Boulevard. Large 10MB file full of graphics.
MG Road Boulevard  

Proposal is for a two level boulevard,  spread along a 400m corridor next to the metro pillars that ends at Anil Kumble Jn. 

Should be a nice place to go to if the reality turns out as good.... Couldn't help think why cramp so many different activities in just a half a km stretch. Personally I'd prefer a single theme to a place, and many such places along the Metro lines. Why only MG Road? Why not landscape and use area under the pillars along many such places in the city?

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