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January 2010

Stretcher cases and our money

It is an extraordinary system where an equipment manufacturer for the telecom industry turns sick and remains sick just as an epoch-making boom takes place in the sector. Lakhs of private units make losses and are unable to cope with the market; only, they don’t have an automatic tap in the public treasury to keep going that way.

Indian Society can not be happy till its governance is fixed, fast.

 “Gurcharan Das was the CEO of Procter & Gamble India and Vice President for Procter & Gamble Far East between 1985 and 1992. He was later Vice President and Managing Director, Procter & Gamble Worldwide.

BBMP elections - People's manifesto - Mobility

A group of active citizens (via HU email list) has come forward to put up what they are calling the "Jana Pranalike" or "People's Manifesto" to be placed before the candidates/ parties contesting the forth-coming BBMP elections.

Big10 - 5 things to build upon BMTC's direction-based rework

What's your Bangalore Bus dream? I will tell you mine. Take local area bus to get to nearest Large bus stop in your sub-urb or locality. Or take your car to the Park And Ride Plaza in your sub-urb. Then change to a Big10. Dedicated lanes at places make sure you feel good about watching the cars wait in jams and chaos.

Bus Day campaign needs a catchier name -Suggest One

Praja Site will run an exclusive campaign for the upcoming Feb 4th Bus Day event. It would be nice if we can give a catchy name to the campaign. Some suggestions are:

  1. Take the Bus

Do you have any more suggestions to the list?


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