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December 2009

Refreshing evolution

For the faint-hearted, young men hitting their backs with a bunch of knives, tied together with a rope, has always been a visual torture if they ever witnessed one. But that has been always a practice for Muslims during Muharram.

Bumpy roads of Bangalore - Road Humps the back breakers not speed breakers.

Maybe this has been discussed earlier.

I am appalled by the state of Bangalore roads of late. Day by day there are more road humps added to the streets without any thought on the inconvenience it causes to the riders/drivers.

BBMP Elections FAQ

What is BBMP?

Kodigehalli Level Crossing - Politics First, citizens later

Strange are our public representatives and more strange are their political ways. In every act of their's is motivated first by their politics, party and their personal interests.

Koramangla Smartvote Presentation

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