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November 2009

Signal Cycle times in Bangalore

Cycle time data for various traffic signals in Bangalore by police station jurisdiction


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Traffic Fines - Revenue Realization

Managed to chart the fine & case data provided last year by the Bangalore Traffic Police to Praja.

Concepts for an Integrated Road Design Manual

1.0 Introduction

A normal concept of road design includes the following -- (1) 

Metro : Reality Check for Speed, Money and Hopes

Summary: This article tries to analyse Metro project and expectation from it. If they are reasonable? Also have the people who decided for metro really considered existing system's potential and limitation correctly? If yes than what was cost and efficiency prompted them for alternative. Its a hard to answer but it will be true reality check for metro.

Proposal: Green Score system for KSPCB/BBMP

Scaling up infrastructure and managing expectations of the greens isn't an easy job. A protest worthy job here and a green initiative there, one would expect to see some balance, and even better a system to quantify such balance. What if a body (BBMP or KSPCB) was to keep track of "green score" lost or scored on every project running in the city?

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