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October 2009

Convention on "The War Within : The Maoists, The Tribals and The State

7 Nov 2009 15:00

CONCERN (a student body in the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore), is hosting a convention in IISc, Bangalore on 7th November titled "The War Within: The Maoists, The Tribals and The State". We would like to invite you to the same. We  plan to screen documentaries, presentations, petitions, hold panel talks and host a photo exhibition.

BMTC Drivers issuing used tickets

Many BMTC Drivers and conductors (Mainly ordinary, pushpak and suvarna) are issuing used tickets. It works like this: I buy a ticket for say 30 Rs. Say I do not have change and I hand over Rs. 100 to the conductor/driver then he writes at the top on the back side of one ticket the amount he has to return me back (Rs 70).

Power supply - will Bangalore have choice, like Mumbai

How interesting is this news report Mumbai!? Is this an example of consumer benefitting from having choice? Worth wondering if Bengaluru will ever have choices like these?

Press Note - FAQ on demolitions in Mysore

Clarifications sought by the shop keepers and public of Mysore City about the recent encroachments removal by the Mysore City Corporation, is given as under with actual facts and legal position for the information of the public.

Q1. Why is this encroachment removal being done?

Research/ design project on sustainable tranport. calling for volunteers

As part of the upcoming praja event, mobilicity, scheduled for nov 21, there is a paper being researched, on the following subject:

about seo