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September 2009

Relevance of Lakes in Bangalore

 The topology of the city of Bangalore located at 3000 feet above sea level runs into three valleys 

Estimating travel demand - A different Approach

Further to ideas expressed for determining travel patterns in this thread :

Online RTI anyone?

Has anyone filed an online RTI app yet? Any particular uniqueness in its flow?

Any experiences? Does it work?! At least as good as the conventional RTI?

Sustainable public transport system II

First pass at adding to blrpraj's document as promised. Additions are in a different font ("Arial") and colour (blue); no modifications or deletions. Comments are welcome.

Road engg at ORR/OMR junction at KR Puram

Project number:2635
Opened by:srkulhalli
Opened on:Monday, 28 September 2009 - 5:50pm
Last modified:Wednesday, 6 October 2010 - 9:38am
Operations:add Case | view all project cases
Project to engage with BDA etc on road engineering issues around ORR/OMR intersection at KR Puram

This project is a result of this discussion on road engineering issues around ORR/KR Puram chaos. Goal of this project is to engage with BDA etc to communicate road designs issues that members have noted, and to request them to act on some suggestions.

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