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June 2009

Is it worthwhile to visit a government hospital at all?

When the “who’s who” of the secretariat are preferring quarantine services of private nursing homes and corporate hospitals over government hospitals, it remains a complex question in common people’s mind, whether it is worthwhile to visit a government hospital at all.

Civic Spaces to Engage, Enhance, Enjoy at Max Muller Bhavan

27 Jun 2009 16:30
27 Jun 2009 18:00

 Through Bengaluru Speaks, Meta-Culture would like to provide a platform for citizens to share their thoughts on how they can connect in deeper ways with Bengaluru, and share ideas about how they can improve and benefit from the city. The dialogue will help participants vocalise their hopes and aspirations for our Bengaluru.

Building incapability, encouraging inneficiency

The government’s science-technology schemes don’t work towards outcomes, they are more concerned about disbursement of funds

Traffic police and Harrasement

Day before yesterday i was caught by traffic police ASI Hanumanthraju near Kadrenahalli 100ft ring road, Banashankari and i was asked to produce the documents, its unfortunate my emission test was expired and then ASI and constable asked to pay the fine of Rs 300 in the court i asked y so much then he told me to pay Rs 100 on spot, I paid and left for office later i realized he has given the sl

Traffic Woes- Mismanagement

Being a benguliarn, i am sad to see the sorry plight of my garden city. Trees cut for widening the roads.

i wonder whether fly-overs and metro will ever solve the traffic congestion.

Ideally speaking i think it is the lack of proper traffic managment. Autorickshaws are a nuisance.

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