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May 2009

JNNURM funds being (mis)used

Dear All, especially Mysoreans, Hasiru Usiru and all those wonderful people who are concerned about nature are trying their best to save Lal Bagh and its trees.

The Bellandur Lake Photo Stream

 Bellandur Lake is a lake on the shores of which Bellandur village is situated.

Environment Policy for BBMP/ state

Given that we are almost on a daily basis protesting against one or other grovernment agency, I am coming to the realization that it perhaps isnt the best use of time. For one it is very difficult to get hold of people at short notice and more importantly is a source of constant friction.

Tier 2 chinese towns better than b'luru

Chinese cities that are nowhere in the league of Shanghai score better than Bangalore on atleast two fronts — respect for and execution of urban regulations and city orderliness.


Other infrastructural area reforms in Mysore

Now that the 'sensitive' JUSCO deal has been approved by PRAJAgalu , can we use the momentum built up to further the reforms in other key (but, perhaps less sensitive) infrastructural areas also, while the city enjoys the stewardship of a proactive district Commissioner like Mr Manivannan?

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